Author's Note

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I didn't plan much out, but I guess I published the last chapter of Polar Planes in February, which is when the story started to take place. This wasn't on purpose at all, just a funny coincidence. Just like Wine for Your Sake, I just dove straight in with an idea in my head and wrote wherever my instincts took me. This is not a recommendation to do it for all your books, because there were often times when I was lost and unsure of where to bring my story. However, I made it to the end.

I had a very hard time writing Wine for Your Sake because I was nothing like my OC and therefore I had to really think about a good way to make her dynamic and real. However, when I wrote Polar Planes, I chose high school AU because it was somewhat closer to real life. I wanted to keep the essence of Nami and Luffy, but incorporate my own interpretations of their characters in such a setting.

But Polar Planes still had its own challenges. I think that Nami and Luffy have a very unique dynamic and it's difficult to accurately convey their romance (so that it doesn't feel forced). Many romances (especially on Wattpad) include a lot of sexual/physical desire that leads the leads into coming together. That was the case with Wine for Your Sake. However, I didn't think Nami and Luffy had something like this. I felt like they were mostly connected emotionally, despite having opposite personalities and philosophies. Obviously, it's even harder knowing that Luffy (throughout the manga/anime) has shown no signs of romantic attraction to someone. I had to take this all into account and write it so that their romance still felt natural. Trust me, it wasn't easy.

This being said, I did not expect it to get nearly as much support as it did. I read every one of your comments and it's helped me gain good insight on what parts of my story works. I am currently working on a Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic, so it's going to be quite different than my other works. However, I haven't decided on a concrete plot or ending so I'm not going to make any further announcements on it until I know I can publish something I like. Just know that there won't be any smut, so don't hope for any of that.

Alright I'm going to stop yapping. But I ask one last thing from you guys. Can you comment down your favorite chapter(s) of this story? It doesn't even have to be chapters, but your favorite moments if you want. I want to see what works. And of course, I'm willing to take any constructive criticism you have as well! I still have a lot to improve on, so it'd be awesome if y'all had some pointers.

As always, I appreciate you guys,

- dalyn

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