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"Hancock is a goddess," Vivi said as she took a bite off her sandwich. "It's insane how she's still single."

"I don't think any guy is good enough for her," Usopp suggested.

Nami remained silent. She couldn't deny that she was gorgeous; she just couldn't understand why Hancock was so hostile towards her.

Vivi smirked. "I don't know about that..."

"Oh, come on," Usopp said. "I've seen a million guys chase after her. The question we should be asking is... who has she not rejected?"

"Don't you think... maybe Luffy would be a good match?"

"Why would you say that?"

"They're both captains of their respective teams, they're both badass strikers, they're both popular, they're both-"

Usopp stopped her. "Alright, you don't have to keep going. I see it now."

"And just this semester, I've had at least 3 girls admit they've had a crush on him," Vivi reasoned. "If he and Hancock ever dated, they'd be the hottest couple this school's ever seen."

Then, she turned to Nami. "You've been quiet this entire lunch. You good?"

Nami looked up from the textbook she was pretending to read. "Yeah, I just have an exam soon. That's all."

Vivi studied her skeptically and changed the subject. "Speaking of exams, I heard that Mr. Shanks might skip the final."

"You serious? Man, that guy is so awesome," Usopp said.

Nami wanted to smack herself for even feeling the slightest twinge of jealousy, but no matter how hard she tried to divert her thoughts, she could never entirely remove it. She couldn't deny it - everything Vivi said was true. Hancock was better than Nami in virtually every manner, and all she could do now was accept that fact.

However, one thing was for sure - Nami deserved some self-respect.

Right after school ended, she caught Hancock in the girl's locker room before her soccer practice started.

"Can you leave?" Hancock asked. "Some of us have places to be."

"You tripped me and damaged $400 worth of lab equipment."


"I'm asking you to help me pay at least a fraction of that amount-"

"Do you have any evidence that I am responsible for this? You're the one who dropped that equipment, not me."

Nami exhaled, running a hand through her hair. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Hancock narrowed her eyes. "I don't have the energy to waste hating you."

She bumped past her as she walked out of the locker room. Tashigi was quietly observing.

"Try not to take it too personally," she said. "Hancock hasn't had the best time dealing with people like you before."

Nami paused, unsure of how to respond.

"Uhh... not that there's anything wrong with people like you, though," she added, then ran off.

"Can I ask you something?" Luffy asked.

Nami glanced at him. "You seem pretty distracted today."

He frowned. "That's not fair. You also look distracted."

She sighed. "Okay. Ask me anything."

"How come I didn't know you before this? I never saw you until this year."

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