16. Pale Fog

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Nami gaped in disbelief at her muddy jacket, torn across the front and along the sleeve to the point of no repair. He really had the gall to do this after she had handed him back his jacket in perfect condition.

Luffy grinned sheepishly, tucking it away in his backpack. "I guess that's a no."

"I'm amazed at how you managed this."


She felt a headache coming on. "I didn't mean that as a compliment."


"What happened?"

"I shot the ball and it curved into this super bushy area." He paused, scratching his head. "I had to push through a bunch of branches and stuff. Your jacket got caught and I tried to get it out, but I accidentally ripped it."



"I'll forgive you."

He sighed in relief.

"If," she clarified. "If you pay up."


"I'm already tutoring you for free, you know," she teased. "Time is money. And do you know what money is?"




"You use up your time to make money, but once it's done, it's done," she explained. "You can't buy more time with money. Or else it would be an infinite, broken loop of money in circulation."

He practically flinched. "What are you talking about, Nami? You're starting to sound like my English teacher."

"You owe me a jacket, Luffy."

"Okay, okay." He yanked his varsity jacket out and offered it to her. "Then you can keep my jacket."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I don't have anything else."

"It's a pretty nice jacket," she remarked. "But have you considered paying me back later? With interest?"

"That sounds like it requires too much thinking, so just take it," he insisted.

So she did. "What a bummer. I was hoping you'd fall for that."

"Geez, you're scaring me..." he trailed off, then his eyes widened. "Oh! Nami!"

His booming voice once again carried across the library, earning vexed glances from students quietly reading in the study lounge.

"I'm right here," she reminded. "What is it?"

"I got a B on my English quiz!"

"That's great Luffy!" she exclaimed.

"Excuse me," the librarian interrupted. "If you two aren't going to be quiet in here, I suggest you leave now."

She checked the clock; the bus was arriving soon anyway.

"Keep it up," she said. "You're learning at a great pace."

For the first time since Friday, he grinned. "That's because I have an amazing tutor."

Nami rolled her eyes. "You don't have to keep flattering me. It's not going to make me forget about my jacket."

His eyebrows furrowed together, indenting a stressed crease on his forehead. "I wasn't trying to-"

"Relax, I'm kidding. I appreciate the thought, Luffy."

"You? Kidding? Since when does that happen?"

"Ha, ha," she said stoically. "I'll see you tomorrow."

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