Chapter 29

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Within 30 minutes Sam and the others had returned the kids to their houses and given them warnings. Norman Price was sentenced to 3 weeks of washing Jupiter, along with Derek. They would start early the next morning, which would be a good way to build character.

Once back at the fire station, Boyce assembled everyone together. Tom, Moose, and Ben were still there, and waiting for them.

"Aw, what's HE doin' here, mate??" Tom whispered to Ben, who could only shrug. 

"Dunno," he replied back.

"Okay," Boyce said as everyone got settled in their seats in the training room, "there's something I need to say."

"Aren't you gonna ask about that THING?!" Moose asked, pointing to Bentley, "I'm just sayin', WHAT THE HECK-"

"Calm down, Moose," Sam said, holding up a hand, "I'll explain later. We can't afford to waste any more time." He looked at both Elvis and Penny, who blushed and tried not to look at each other. The others all rolled their eyes, wanting Boyce's confession to go fast so their favorite couple could get together.

Boyce took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say Steele," he turned to the latter, "Basil, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude. I should've wished you good luck with your wedding. I should have moved on instead of wasting my life on lament. I was so foolish."

There was silence for a minute before Moose muttered, "so THAT'S what his first name is, I had forgotten..."

"Shut up, mate," Tom said, jabbing his best friend in the ribs. Arnold rolled his eyes and then facepalmed.

Finally Steele opened his mouth to say, "I-I- Boyce, what the heck?! I-I've been waiting for you to say those words!!!"

The old man then jumped into his old friend's arms, giving him a tight hug. Everyone looked at each other in shock, especially Elvis. Everything clicked now. He needed to tell Penny how he felt NOW.

When their hug finally broke, they looked at each other for a moment, blushing slightly, before Boyce cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "now now, I suppose that's enough. But seriously, Basil, what the heck is that robot??"

"I'll explain," Steele said, "along with Fireman Sam." He put a hand on Sam's shoulder, "all of you are dismissed."

Elvis jumped up in front of Penny and said, "Penny, uh, can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure," Penny said, "we can talk in the bedroom."

Elvis blushed, "uh, okay."

A moment later they arrived at the bedroom, where all of the firefighters slept. Elvis didn't even bother to close the door behind him. His feelings felt as though they were crushing him, as if he was about to die at that very moment.

"Now," Penny said as they sat down on her bed, "what is it, Elvis? You look so pale..."

Elvis tried not to cry, "huh? Oh, uh, y-you see, Penny, I-I-I have to tell you something. Something important."

"Yeah, you said that before," Penny nodded, "after we rescued the kids."

Elvis tugged at his collar, "Penny Morris, this is going to be difficult to say... I-I-"

Penny, concerned, put a hand on Elvis's shoulder and said, "Elvis, it's alright. You can tell me anything."

Elvis took a deep breath, tears welling up in his eyes, struggling with the burden of his emotions. Finally the liquid streamed down his cheeks, and he sobbed slightly.

"Penny," he said, his voice cracking, "I-I love you."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now