Chapter 26

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Elvis sat up in bed. He looked around for a moment. He was in his room, in his bed, in his house.

"What?" he stuttered out, "wha-"

Suddenly he looked straight forward, and saw Penny standing over him, a look of concern on his face.

"P-Penny..." he said, "what-what day is it??"

"It's Tuesday," Penny said.

"What year is it?"


"2023..." Elvis said, "I-I went forward 63 years, Penny... I-I died..."

"Elvis, you didn't die," Penny said, taking his hands in hers, "but I've been trying to call you for the longest time, but you weren't answering your phone, so I came over to your house to see if you were alright."

"But what about-"

"Trevor's fine," Penny said, putting a finger on Elvis's lips, "don't worry about it, Visie."

Elvis blushed, "I had a dream where you married Sam."

Penny grimaced, "Sam?? Ugh, no, he's a friend."

Elvis looked up, "really?"

"Yes," Penny said, "a lot of people think I like him or Ben or someone else, but I-I really like someone-"

"Who?" Elvis asked, his heart racing.

"Uh," Penny blushed, "you-you wouldn't know him..."

"It's a him?"


"Penny," Elvis told her softly, "who is it?"

"I-I can't say," Penny said, "I'm not sure how you would react, Elvis..."

"You were really happy," Elvis said after a moment of silence, "you guys had kids and everything."

"Oh," Penny said, "that's nice. What about Ellie and Arnold?"

"They were married. They had a son."

"What about you? Were you married?"

"No," Elvis said sadly, looking down, "I lost my job, I was homeless. The-the love of my life... she married someone else..."

"Elvis," Penny said softly, moving closer towards her friend, "who is she?"

"Penny," Elvis said softly, "I love-"

Suddenly, the sound of sirens could be heard, snapping the two away from each other. Penny looked out a nearby window and saw Jupiter and Venus rushing away through Pontypandy.

"What's going on????" Elvis asked as he sprung out of bed and joined Penny near the window. 

"We'd better find out," Penny said, and grabbed Elvis's hand and ran out of the house.

"SAM!!!!" Penny called out as soon as they were on the sidewalk. Jupiter screeched to a halt and Sam got out. "What is it?" he asked.

"What's the emergency??" Penny asked as Sam handed her and Elvis their helmets.

"The kids are hanging on the edge of a cliff in the caves!!" Sam said, "Elvis, let's get in Jupiter. Penny, you go in Venus."

"Righty-ho, Sam!!" Elvis said as he hopped into Jupiter. Penny got into Venus, where Arnold was.

"Okay, Sam, we've got to hurry!!" Ellie said as Sam started up Jupiter again. Jerry Lee grinned at Elvis and said, "glad you're feelin' better, cousin."

Elvis nodded, "uh, yeah," although he didn't really feel that much better.

As they hurried towards the scene, Elvis looked longingly at Penny, knowing now that no matter how hard he tried his love confession would forever be unheard.

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now