The end for one and the start for another :(

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Jays pov

When you lose someone you love,
You gain an Angel that you know

I sat in my room for the first spinjitzu master knows how long. Just staring numbly at the wall after Cole left, I thought about William and how much I wanted to kill him, I thought of Artemis and Hydro and how they would take the news. I looked down at my golden dagger that was hidden under my bed, I twirled it around for a minute before sighing and putting it down. I got up and started walking to the door but I heard a voice.

"Good job Lightning"

I turned around but saw nobody, I could have sworn it sounded just like Atlas but... he's dead.... I'm probably just tired. I gripped the door handle tightly before sighing and walking out, I sat down on the couch next to Cole. He gave me a small smile and handed me a controller "you still up for the game?" He asked "when do I ever back down?" I asked a small smile escaping my lips. We played for a while, after Cole groaned in defeat it was late and Nya was throwing pillows at us to tell us to lay down and shut up. I giggled and went to my room, giving Cole a small G'night.

——-+——-five months later——-+——

I sat at the top of Borg tower looking down at the morning sun slowly creeping up from the far off mountains. I smiled as the light made its way across my face, my ocean blue eyes gave off a bright flash of color. The wind ruffled my hair as it wiped around for a moment then went into the distance, I stared for a mini before taking a step back and letting the shadows cast over me before turning around and heading for the door. I gave on last glance into the distance before closing the door behind me.

I ran down the sidewalks a grin spread across my face as I dashed back to the monastery, I ran up the stairs Lightning energy running wild behind me as I made it to the doors. I nocked twice before waiting for it to open. "Why the hell are you up so early? Usually we can't drag you out of bed before 8:30 am" kai groaned opening the door "oh shut up" I said as Kai shoved me inside "wanna do the honor of waking Cole up?" He asked me "when would I ever say no to that?" I said smirking, "just make sure you are super loud and make everyone wake up so I'm not the only on" Kai said "you got it!" I called as i ran to coles room

I got up close to the bed and grinned devilishly then grabbed his arm and sent a "lil" electric shock. "Holy $h!t, JAY WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled getting up "I was bored and felt chaotic sooooo... yeah! Now come on let's  go wake up the others" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed "your lucky I love you" he muttered "what did ya say?" "Nothing" he said quickly

Let's just say that waking everyone was fun except for Nya. We got covered in water and have to wash the dishes for a week, still worth it though. After lunch we all sat around the tv and watched the news for a while before everyone went to their rooms, it was about 10:35 when I got a call "hello?" I asked "hello Lightning" hissed a voice I knew and wish I didn't "hey... William" "we have a new job for you, you know how it's the ninjago fair this week?" "I live in ninjago how would I not?" "We have another traitor and we need him removed, he knows we are going to get him and he's trying to escape through the fair. Eliminate him as fast as possible im counting on you"


I sighed as he hung up. I went to Lloyds room and poked my head in "um Lloyd I gotta go out for a minute I'll be right back" "sure just don't go out to long or else master Wu will have you do extra training" Lloyd said not lifting his head up from his book "okay bye" "bye"

I grabbed a kimono from my closet since I didn't want to stand out and draw attention to myself, the before anyone could see me I ran out the door with my dagger in my pocket. When I got to the fair I looked around, hundreds of people in kimonos flooded the streets how the heck am I going to find this guy?

I walked around for a while the took out my phone and noticed that the boss had sent me a map to where the guy was hiding. I frowned slightly but continued to follow the map. After I got to the place I saw a man sneaking around. I checked a photo of who I was supposed to kill and evidently it was him.

I jumped out and cot him by surprise. "Wait! Please!mercy!" "Well maybe if you didn't betray the boss you could still be alive" I said, my voice cold and dark "just give me one more chance!" He pleaded "one more chance? We gave you more chances that I can count, you made your choice to betray us you know the consequences for that" and with that I struck him down, his body lay limp on the ground. "Aw dang why did I hit that part? Now I'm covered in blood!" I whined as I tried unsuccessfully to scrub the liquid off myself "and this was my favorite kimono!" I grumbled to no one in particular "ugh it's getting late I don't want to pull and all nighter again" I said as I walked out the back way of the building


Thank you sooooooooo much for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed it and if you want me to update a book just let me know!

Shockwave's almost going to hit 1000 reads!! Thank you sooo much!

I hope you have an amazing day!


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