I couldnt do anything

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The hardest part of losing someone isn't saying goodbye,
It's learning to live without them

Cole's pov

I was in the kitchen finishing up some cake I had left for myself when Jay came in. His expression scared and sad at the same time. "Uh Jay you alright?" I said putting the cake down and walking over to him, "yeah I'm fine" He responded not looking up at me. "You don't seem fine" "well I am!" He shot back. I stared at him surprised by his reaction "just... leave me alone" he said as he walked to his room. "Jay..." I started "I don't feel like talking right now Cole" he said not looking back, "just leave me alone for a while" he said as he closed the door. I sat dumbfounded, I flattened my hair and took a deep breath. I went to Jays room and nocked on the door "Jay? Can... can I come in?" I asked nervously "mmh" he murmured back. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed, his legs propped up in front of his chest to hide his face. I walked over to him and sat down next  to him "What happened?" I asked as I rubbed his back, he shook his head and buried his head deeper into his knees. "It's nothing" he muttered "if it was nothing then why are you crying?" I asked pulling him closer "I-..." his voice broke and he hugged me as tears feel from his eyes. I held him tight as he cried and cried, I don't know what happened but all I knew was that it was bad. After a while Jay wiped his eyes and sat up. "I'm sorry" he said quietly "you have nothing to apologize for" I said giving him a reassuring smile "I just feel weak and-" he sighed then continued "I'm sorry" "Jay, has anyone ever told you that you say sorry  too much?" I chuckled trying to lift the mood "shut it bolder brain" he said punching my shoulder playfully as he gave me a slight smile "never motor mouth" I teased back, he gasped dramatically and shoved me. "Hey!" I shoved him back a little too hard and he started to fall but grabbed my shirt and we both toppled over. We lay on the ground laughing, tears running down outer cheeks, I smiled at him and he gave me one of his signature grins, "so-" before he could finish I put a hand to his mout "no. You are now not allowed to say the S word" I teased, he sighed but smiled. Our hands were millimeters away from each other, I moved my hand a little closer and he noticed. We lay there holding hands. Both of us blushing messes, "thanks for.. comforting me Cole" he finally murmured "no problem" I whispered back. After what seemed an eternity I heard Kai calling me so I gave Jay one final smile and got up to leave. "You up for a Mario kart game after dinner?" He said "your on" I grinned back holding up finger guns "get ready to lose!" He called as I walked out "we'll see!" I called back


Hello All my lovely readers! Hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night and for all the people that are reading this at 2 am...


That's an order. Anyway... I'm so happy that this book is getting some reads, if you have any recommendations or suggestions feel free to comment them down below. And if not that is perfectly fine!

Ok, bye!


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