Do it for them. All of it. For them.

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Jays p.o.v
Jay is now 14

I walked in the downtown of ninjago as I looked for a job to help my parents. I walked around asking in every store I could see but there was no place that would except me, finally I sat down at a cafe tired of all the walking. "Hello! What can I get ya?" The waitress said smiling "hey just a hot chocolate for me please" I said smiling "one hot chocolate, you might want to try our mango smoothie" she said smiling "no that's ok" I answered "oh ok" she gave me one last smile and went to get my hot chocolate

"Thanks" I told her as they gave me the hot Chocolate "no problem, what are you doing out here anyway?" "I'm looking for work so I can help my parents" "well I heard there's some guy looking for somebody to work for him" "really? What's the job?" "Not sure, but he said to give this to anybody that was interested" she said handing me a paper "ok thanks so much! I never got your name? I'm Jay"

"Oh right! I'm Emma" she said smiling "well thanks Emma" I said getting up "no problem and I'll have to get you to try the mango smoothie!" She called as I ran out the door. I looked at the paper and read it


If your looking for a good paying job then you've stumbled upon the right note! My name is Atlas. If your strong and quick then your the right person for this job! You and other people will come to join us! If your interested meet me at the antique shop two days from now at 10:00 pm

Don't be late!


I stared at the note trying to figure out what kind of job it would be. "It's a good paying one so it's got to be worth it" I muttered to myself "and if it helps then I can finally help my parents!" I thought smiling as I walked back to my house with my spirits lifting higher with each passing moment, until finally I made it to the door.

"Hey mom hey dad" I said as I stepped inside "hello my little spark, lunch is ready" my mom said placing a plate for me on the table "thanks mom" I said smiling as I sat down "your welcome my little spark" she said as her and dad sat down with me.

We joked laughed and smiled as we ate.


I want to stay like this forever.

Hello! Hope you like this chapter! I need more motivation for the next so if you have any suggestions or anything you want to add just let me know! I'm always open to suggestions


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