Chapter 1: Regulars

Start from the beginning

No matter how much he may hurt me.

Walking is not my best decision. Winter in Oregon is harsh. I'm lucky the snow is only one to two inches here. Maybe I'm being dramatic.

I want that rich life, but also my little waitress life. If I was gonna have money I'd be from my own accomplishments.

Marry rich? No.

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I reach the wooden double doors three minutes late. Would've arrived later, but I didn't wait for the crosswalks to say go before crossing.

I felt bad for the red Honda that honked at me.

I'm opening  the diner today, but I usually close and lock up. My co-worker, Cassie, called in sick, though, so I have to open today.

To be honest, I prefer closing. I get a few regulars who are super fun to talk to. Not to mention one tips particularly well.

Wink wink.

Closing has its cons, though. You got the drunk, young adults who have the "munchies". I don't mind the cleaning too much, until they throw up.

A shiver runs through me as I recall the memories.

I can't do throw up. I think I've got emetophobia. I really hope it goes away because I want little ones.

After turning on all the lights I clock in and throw my waist apron on over my overalls. We have uniforms, but Debbie, the manager, told me to wear whatever.

I'm wiping down the tables and counters when my co-workers start to walk in. I greet each of them, smiling and creating small talk.

"Good morning, Tim." I smile brightly. He just nods in my direction before passing me to head to the kitchen.

Old man Tim runs the dishwasher. Sam and Leilani are the cooks, Liam's the host and sometimes the bus boy, he occasionally helps serve, too, and of course Debbie, the manager.

I'm a waitress. I love tips, but I hate tipping culture sometimes. Don't ask.

There are others, but not many. Plus, I usually only pay attention to the people during my shifts.

There was a girl named Stephanie, she was fired for robbing the cashier.

Watch your back, Stephanie, thieves don't get far.

"Hey Anneliese, you ready for the brunch rush?" Liam walks in through the doors, his black backpack swung over his shoulder. The bell above the door chimes when it swings open.

We're usually opened all day everyday except for Sundays and sometimes Thursdays. Yesterday was a Thursday and we happened to be closed.

I do not know why we sometimes close on Thursdays. That's a question for Debbie that I most likely won't ask.

"Hi, Liam. I'm ready as usual, just wasn't expecting it to be so cold when I walked in this morning." I wave and set the pen that I was drawing with down. I look at my note pad, frowning at the pieces of popcorn.

I had a customer recommend drawing popcorn with your eyes closed. She said it's supposed to make it look authentic. I think she lied.

"What are you doing?" He comes over, peering over my shoulder. Tall people habits.

He's 5'11, Blonde, and pretty nice. He helps when I need it or even when I don't.

He just turned 22, two years older than me. He's a good person to be around, I trust him. Other than the time he poured salt in my water.

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