Chapter 1

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Juno Potter stood outside of the great hall waiting for the minister of magic, and the head aurors (including Alastor Moody) as well as the other guests she has asked to come arrive. She sees Harold Minchum (the minister) and the aurors walk towards her "Juno, I'm sorry we're meeting on such unfortunate terms, the head aurors have explained the situation to me and proved you have confessed under veritaserum that you're telling the truth. I will explain to Dumbledore why we are here when we walk in, are you ready?" Harold asks Juno.

"As ready as i'll ever be I suppose" Juno said before Harold opens the doors to the great hall and leads the group in. "Good Evening Dumbledore, unfortunately we are here to disrupt the feast. We are here today to watch 6 films about the future and to change it" Harold started.

Gasps and murmurs were heard from all around the room, no one could believe it. Harold continues "Yes, I know it's heard to believe but this young girl stood next to me is here from the future to help save our world, a few more guests will arrive as it is important for them to see these films as well", as he finished saying that the guests arrive. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastian lestrange, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, Molly and Arthur Weasley and a man who looked to be in his 30s that no one other than the teachers knew the name of walk into the great hall.

"Welcome guests, let's make this room a bit more comfortable for us all" Dumbledore says before transforming the tables into couches for everyone to sit on. "For those of you who have just arrived we will be watching 6 films from the future about this girl right here" he says pointing to Juno who has been stood frozen next to Harold since walking into the great hall. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" he asks her.

"Hello, my name is Juno Potter and i'm from the year 1996 and i've come here to protect our world" Juno replies while looking around the room.

"Does that mean i'm your father?" James asks excitedly, who is sat on a couch with the marauders. Juno nods in reply, James grins and begins talking again "Wait if i'm your dad, who is your mum?" he was silently praying it was lily.

"Lily Evans is my mum, and Sirius is my godfather" Juno answers and watches James turning and grinning at Lily who smiles back at him in response, meanwhile Sirius is bragging to Remus and Peter that he's her godfather.

"Right now that's over let's watch these films" Dumbledore quietens the hall as he spoke. 

"Juno, Juno come sit over here" James and Sirius say in sync patting a spot in-between them. Juno laughs and walks over and sits there in response. 

The other guests go and find seats for themselves as well as Dumbledore sets up the first film and presses play. 

Albus Dumbledore appeared on the corner of the street, he started rummaging in his cloak looking for something. He realised he was being watched, he looks up suddenly and sees a cat which was watching him from the other end of the street. He chuckled and muttered , " should have known". 

He pulled out what seemed to be a cigarette lighter and flicked it open, held it up in the air and clicked it. The nearest lamp flickered into darkness, he repeated this twelve times until all the lamps were put out. He put it back into the cloak and set off down the street towards number four where he stopped near the cat and began speaking to it.

"Fancy seeing you here, Professor McGonagall" 

"Minnie!!!" shouts from James, Juno, and Sirius were heard. Minerva shook her head with a small smile on her lips and didn't bother scolding them.

He turned to the cat, but it had gone, instead stood Minerva McGonagall. "How did you know it was me" She asked.

"My dear professor, i've never seen a cat so stiffly."

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