
Start from the beginning

hoseok sighed harshly, the ink of guilt staining his conscience. he knew he slipped up. he looked around the room, and at the seat you were in just a minute before. "fuck!" he grumbled, kicking the small plastic garbage bin over onto its side. he stood for another minute, waiting until he thought you were far enough out of the library. then, turning sharply on his heel, stalked out of the library and into the hallway.

it was easy enough to retrace your steps, after all, you two walked this route nearly every day. he walked quickly, until he turned the corner and saw you at the far end of the hallway. now treading silently, he followed behind you until the both of you turned into the last hallway before the main entrance.

he heard your footsteps stop, and for a minute, he was preparing to sprint back to the library. he heard two people talking quietly, but neither of them were your voice. a third, shy, voice joined the two, interrupting their conversation.

hoseok swiftly backtracked and rushed back into the hallway he was just in, ducking behind the wall. he poked his head out, just enough so he could make out what was going on. he saw three people; you, yoongi, and the other girl he was walking along with.

yoongi turned away from the girl, who looked to be about your age and height. what really sickened him was the flirtatious smirk yoongi had on his face as he started talking to you. "hey, [name]. i was just looking for you." he said, reaching out to wrap his arm around you. you greeted him quietly and sank uncomfortably into his embrace.

"we have to get going now, eunsoo, but i hope your exam goes well. remember what i told you, alright?" he said, flashing his signature smirk and patting the girl's shoulder with his free hand. the girl giggled and agreed, skipping back down the hallway she had just walked through. "took you long enough." he grunted, turning to walk back the way he came. "how was your day?" he asked, as hoseok moved from his safe spot behind the wall and followed silently behind the both of you.

"it was fine." you faltered, "who was that?" you asked, not looking him in the eyes. he glanced down at you, and back forward as he continued strolling. "eunsoo. she's in my math class." he answered curtly. "oh."

he stopped walking, prompting hoseok to duck behind any free object, which meant that he was now crouching down behind a trash can that had so conveniently been left there by maintence staff. "don't tell me you're jealous." he said, and at your silence, scoffed. "oh, come on, [name]. are you seriously jealous right now?" he asked, annoyed.

"i'm not jealous, yoongi. i was just wondering, because you seemed really comfortable around her. that's all." you defended, still refusing to meet his eyes. he scoffed again. just as he did so, hoseok moved his arm in a way that caused it to bump into the plastic garbage can, and make a loud bang sound. he covered his mouth with his hand, scared to make any more noise than he already had.

you and yoongi whipped your heads to the side to see the noise. "what was that?" you wondered aloud. "don't try and change the subject. why are you jealous?" he asked. then, a look of fake realization came over his face and he nodded slowly. "oh, i get it. i'm not allowed to have any female friends, right? but you can have all the guy friends in the world?" he asked, smiling out of disbelief. hoseok's heart sank, and he had a feeling he was about to hear something he wasn't going to like.

"that's not what i think-"

"no, no. let me get this straight. you're allowed to go all around with that guy, and hang all over him, but i'm not allowed to have a simple conversation with a female friend?!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. you looked him in the eyes for the first time in this conversation, piercing his gaze with your own. "that guy? i know you're not talking about hoseok right now, yoongi." you said angrily. he rolled his eyes at you. "the fact that you think i would even consider cheating on you is disgusting by itself, but you also consider hoseok that much of a low-life?! you know, you make me sick sometimes." you spat.

yoongi laughed at your remark, shaking his head. "well if caring about my relationship and not wanting my girlfriend to cheat on me makes me a sick person, then so. fucking. be it." he said slowly. you sighed, aggravated and tired. you put your forehead into your hands and closed your eyes, fighting back the tears that pricked your lids. hoseok's heart clenched at the sight of your distress, and he so badly wanted to jump out and pull you away from that bastard.

yoongi, who could tell that he fucked up, sighed again. he put his hand on your shoulder gingerly, and slowly pulled you into his arms. you sobbed quietly into his shoulder and he patted your back. "i'm sorry, baby, i really am." he cooed. the fake sweetness and remorse in his voice almost made hoseok throw up right there. "i'm just tired, alright? i didn't mean to snap like that. i'm sorry." he said, continuing to rub your back as you sniffled.

you looked up at him, watery eyes and all. "and that girl?" you asked. you knew it might not be wise to bring her up again, but it would nag you if you didn't ask. he sighed and put his hand under your chin. "she's just a friend, [n/n], not even that. i've never spoken to her before this. i promise, okay?" he said, rubbing his thumb on your cheek. hoseok could spot a lie from a mile away, and this was no exception. he heard the way they talked to each other, saw how close they were. he knew.

you nodded your head, too exhausted and stressed to argue any more. "so will you let me bring you home now?" he asked, wiping a stray tear from your face. you quietly agreed, and he, with his arms still holding you, started walking to the door. hoseok listened, as your footsteps grew further and further away. standing up from his cramped position behind the bin, he stormed back to the library.

in short, he was seething. that was the worst he'd ever seen him treat you, and this was in a public place! he didn't want to imagine the things he's said and done in private. as livid as he was, he couldn't help but think of the way you had stood up for him against yoongi's accusations. yes, it warmed his heart, and yes, it made him love you even more, but at the end of the day, it was just another reminder.

"you also consider hoseok that much of a low-life?! you know, you make me sick sometimes."

you trusted him. you knew that he wouldn't ever pursue you while you were with yoongi.

the contrast of thoughts and emotions made his head spin.

now he faced the most difficult decision he had ever had to make.

did he keep your trust, stick to his morals, and play it safe?


did he finally conquer the demons that have been haunting him all this time?


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