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the library was quiet and nearly empty. the soft pattering of rain on the glass windows was the only audible sound, as you silently read over your notes and highlighted things in your textbook. hoseok, who had gotten up to grab something off the printer, hadn't returned yet, leaving you totally alone at the table.


your wonderful, caring, happy best friend.

you had a feeling that something wasn't right. these days, he just looked drained. his eyes were tired, and were always accompanied by a ring of darkness underneath. he moved slowly, which was concerning compared to his usual upbeat demeanor. his attitude had changed too, which was what alarmed you the most. he tried to act the same, still attempting to crack jokes and make plans. but his smiles seemed fake and forced, like he was putting up a front of normalcy to conceal a deeper issue.

whenever you had tried to confront him about it, gently asking if he was feeling alright or if he needed to take a break, he just plastered on another phony smile and brushed it off. "i'm fine, [n/n]. just stressed from school. don't worry about me, alright?" he reassured, patting your shoulder and turning back to his books. you pondered the situation as you watched the raindrops run down the cool glass, but were shaken from your concentration by a buzz from your phone. picking it up, you looked at the text on the lockscreen.


I'm here

he had agreed to pick you up a few hours after school ended, much to his dismay. even he seemed a little bit off, always asking where you were and weirdly bringing hoseok into every situation, and not in a good way. more than once, he had indirectly accused you of cheating on him with hoseok. it never got less shocking to you, no matter how many times he said it. cheating was an act of betrayal on a different level than the rest, one you wouldn't dream of doing to anyone, and the fact that he would think you were capable of such an atrocity offended you. regardless of that, if he had spent just a second around hoseok, he would know that cheating wasn't something he would ever participate in, no matter the situation.

you began to pack up your belongings, making sure to move quickly before yoongi got mad at you. just as you were about to stand up and exit the small study room, hoseok appeared back at the door, eyeing you as you tried to leave. "where are you going?" he asked, his face looking like that of a sad puppies'. he leaned against the left side of the door frame, clutching his freshly printed paper.

"yoongi's here, i have to go." you explained, moving more towards the door. as you tried to exit by towards the right side of the door, past hoseok, he put his arm up and blocked the way. "who cares? you should stay for a big longer. he can wait." he begged, arm unmoving as you tried to push through. "i want to, hoseok, i really do. but he'll get upset if he has to wait for me." you said, furrowing your brows at his new and foreign attitude.

"he's always mad at you, [n/n]. why? doesn't he know that you have a life to live, your own friends?" he questioned, the paper he was once clutching in his hand now falling to the ground. "besides, you're always together. he's fine to wait for a little while, i promise." he said, his expression serious as he threw questions at you. what had gotten into him.

"hoseok, stop. i'm sorry, but i need to leave. i'll talk to you later, alright?" you stammered, looking into his eyes. you noticed now, that the happy sparkle he once held in them was gone, veiled by a blanket of darkness. you ducked under his arm, which was still propped up on the door frame, and scurried out of the library.

CORRUPTEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang