C H A P T E R 18

240 9 2

"Do you have any reservations, ma'am?" inquired the hostess at the restaurant.

"Um... Is there a reservation under the name of Rick Riley?" I asked, feeling a touch hesitant but relieved when the woman nodded in confirmation.

"This way, please," she responded politely, guiding me toward the private room before departing, leaving me to settle in.

As I pushed the door and entered, the room greeted me with a symphony of laughter, lively chatter, and the gentle clinking of utensils meeting glass plates.

However, an abrupt hush descended upon the space the moment the door creaked open, followed by the distinct tap-tap of my heels resonating through the room. All eyes pivoted in my direction, the sudden interruption capturing their attention and momentarily halting their conversations.

"I apologize for being late," I sheepishly uttered, breaking the sudden silence that had befallen the room, followed swiftly by Riley's familiar voice.

"Ella!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, causing an involuntary eye roll at the nickname.

"Please, take a seat next to Banksie," he directed, gesturing toward the unoccupied seat beside Adam, whose gaze held adoration and admiration as he looked at me.

Dressed handsomely in a suit, Adam's appearance elicited a smile from me, and I felt my cheeks flush at the sight before taking the designated seat beside him.

As I settled, I immediately felt his hand rest atop my thigh, gently caressing it, sending a warmth through me.

The room quickly resumed its lively ambiance, filled once again with cheerful chatter, laughter, and stories flowing freely.

I proceeded to enjoy my meal while Adam's hand lingered on my thigh, both of us indulging in the delicious food laid out before us.

After a brief interval, I sensed him lean in, his lips grazing against my ear. "You look stunningly beautiful, love," he whispered softly.

His endearing words brought an immediate smile to my face as I turned to glance at him, our faces just inches apart.

Without reservation for public display, he planted a tender kiss on my nose, then followed it with a gentle peck on my lips.

"You're not looking too bad yourself, love," I reciprocated in a soft whisper before resuming my focus on the meal. Adam mirrored my actions, sporting an unmistakable silly grin on his face.

Sensing a gaze fixated on me, I raised my eyes and noticed Charlie across the table, regarding me like Adam's - a gaze filled with admiration and affection but seemingly with a different undercurrent.

Unlike Adam's attire, Charlie was dressed in a dress shirt adorned with white and gray stripes, paired with a necktie. Nevertheless, he carried the ensemble with a charm of his own.

As our eyes met, Charlie quickly averted his gaze towards Adam, who in turn had caught his best friend's lingering look directed at me. Charlie cleared his throat and redirected his attention down to his meal.

For the first time in my life, I expressed gratitude to Riley for diffusing the unspoken tension among the three of us. He skillfully interrupted the atmosphere by gently tapping his fork against the glass, capturing everyone's attention.

"As a representative of the Eden Hall Warrior Varsity State Champion hockey team," he paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the room. "I extend a warm welcome to the future state champs, the Eden Hall freshmen."

"Here, here," he added with a subtle smile, raising his glass and prompting an enthusiastic response from everyone in the room, each clinking glasses with their neighbors.

"We're just glad you loaned us Banksie and my cousin so that we'd have a chance to beat you guys in the annual Freshmen-Varsity Showdown," Riley stated, provoking a glare from me.

"In case that escaped your mind, dear cousin, we're not loanable assets like your brain cells seem to be," I fired back with a sarcastic smile, igniting a wave of 'oohs' and laughter throughout the room.

Riley's countenance seemed ready to send thunderbolts my way, yet he maintained his cool, barely masking his irritation with a forced smile.

"Now, nobody moves," he declared. "We've got one last surprise. Fellas?" He motioned to his pals, who eagerly rose from their chairs, inciting a buzz of anticipation among the onlookers.

"Banksie," Riley beckoned, signaling for Adam to join him.

Adam hesitated briefly but then extended his hand, assisting me out of my seat. However, Riley interjected with a smirk playing on his lips, causing Adam to furrow his brow.

"No, she stays," Riley insisted, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No, she comes with me," Adam countered, his tone firm. But Riley just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Then you'll stick around with her," he casually remarked.

I gazed back and forth between them, puzzled by the sudden turn of events. Adam, torn between leaving and staying, locked eyes with me, leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, adding to my bewilderment, before releasing my hand and striding away without a backward glance.

"Guys, I don't want to spoil anything, but I've heard something in the bathroom. It's a cake," Guy exclaimed with excitement, but a sense of unease gripped me as everyone eagerly anticipated the surprise, grinning from ear to ear.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing three waiters rolling in a large, tantalizing cake on a trolley.

The initial excitement waned as the group's laughter tapered off upon seeing a message spelled out as icing on the cake.

'Thanks for the dinner losers!'

Silence fell over us as shock and a sense of betrayal coursed through the room.

A waiter approached Charlie, handing him a paper which I assumed was the bill. As he read it, frustration clouded his expression, pressing his hand to his forehead before passing it over to me upon my request.

Eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I stared, mouth agape, at the exorbitant bill.


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