C H A P T E R 7

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As we went out of the office, the bell abruptly rang, signaling that we needed to head to our designated classroom.

"Aw, looks like we'll be splitting up for the time being," I said, staring at my schedule paper.

Adam took the paper from me and double-checked it.

"You're right; I guess I'll see you on the next sub?"

"Yep," I said, nodding.

He kissed my forehead first, then walked away to his allocated classroom with Charlie, who I believed had the same schedule as him.

I had a glimpse of their backs as they walked away not far from me.

A confused expression suddenly appeared on my face as Charlie turned his head around and glanced at me for a time while his best friend was saying something to him.

"Hey, El, are you ready to go?" Connie's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on," I responded as we walked to our designated classroom with Kenny, Julie, and Russ.

The class was so dull that I was about to fall asleep, but what woke me up was our professor's announcement.

"Every Monday you'll have a practice quiz, every Wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every Friday you'll have an exam, and anytime I feel like it you'll have a surprise quiz or exam."

We all stared at her, jaws agape.

We happily exited the classroom as the first sub was finished.

"Well, isn't that wonderful?" I asked, my voice tinged with sarcasm.

Then Adam, Charlie, and the others came into view.

"So, how's your first subject?" Charlie questioned.

"As Adelaide here said, it's wonderful," Kenny remarked, his voice flat.

"Very wonderful," huffed Russ.

Julie asked, "So, guys, what's your next sub?"

We all checked our next schedules.

"History." we all said at the same time.

"Come on," Charlie urged, and we followed him as he led the way to our next sub.

As we trailed after our friends, I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend's.

"How's your first subject, love?" I asked, a smile on my face.

He sighed, "It's boring because you're not there."

"Really?" I asked, teasingly smiling at him.

I giggled as he took my arms away from him and wrapped his around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

Then we heard a camera shutter and instantly looked up.

"Oops, sorry," Julie said, hiding the camera in her bag.

"Really, Jules?" I groaned.

"I'm sorry, you guys just looked good together," she said as she turned around.

We were now in the classroom, listening to the professor talk about the dwarf.

"...that the present is to the past... Like a dwarf," he added, placing the dwarf on top of the book that he was holding. "on the shoulders of a giant. If the dwarf holds his seat, he can, indeed, see further than the giant..."

As I borely listened to our professor, I supported my hands on the table with my head.

My gaze was drawn to Charlie, who was already staring at me, and when he noticed me staring at him, he rolled his eyes, as if he was equally bored.

I let out a breathy giggle and shook my head slightly.

My soul then fled my body for a split second as the professor slammed his book down on Fulton's table.

Poor him.

"History is a giant," he stated solemnly to Fulton. "Get ready to ride."

When the bell rang, we all stood up and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, I'll meet you at the rink; I just have to use the restroom," I said.

They nodded and began to walk away, but Adam stayed.

"I'll wait for you."

I sighed and said, "Just meet me at the rink, Adam."

He most likely understands why.

I certainly hope not.

"Are you sure?" he questioned gently, worry on his face. I nodded and gave him an encouraging gentle smile.

"I'm sure, love"

And with that, he kissed my forehead before walking away.

When he was out of sight, I pushed my head back and huffed before proceeding to the restroom.

I placed my bag on top of the sink and fished for my calming pills.

I started taking calming tablets last month after my mum passed away. It was given to me by a doctor when Aunt Tess took me to the hospital to be checked out since I was having panic episodes at random.

And, no, I didn't tell Adam, Connie, or any of my friends.

I checked myself in the mirror when I finished taking my medicines. When I was certain I was done, I took my bag from the sink and exited the restroom.

[𝟑] 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 | adam banksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें