C H A P T E R 2

575 16 7

I took a hesitant breath before
standing up and walking over to the phone on the wall, calling his home number. It rang briefly before stopping as someone picked it up.


"As soon as I heard his voice, I burst into tears. "Adam."

"El? What happened? Why are you crying?" he said, his voice tinged with concern and worry.

"Can you come to the hospital right now? Something happened, I'll explain when you get here," I said, attempting to slow my breathing so he could understand me clearly.

"Ok, I'll be right there," he responded, then hung up the phone before I could tell him the name of the hospital. Well, I'm sure he knows where it is because it's the only hospital in where we live. I sighed, returning the phone to its proper place before resuming my seat.

I held my hands over my face and
leaned my elbows against my knees,
waiting for them to arrive.

Why was Aunt Tess taking so long?

It took nearly an hour before I heard footsteps in the quiet hallway. When I looked up, I saw Adam walking a little quicker towards me. His blond hair was perfectly parted in the middle, and his bangs were falling over his brow. He was dressed in a white shirt, a dark blue jacket, and jeans.

I instantly rose from my seat and ran towards him. He greeted me with open arms.

My arms were tightly wrapped around his torso as I sobbed against his chest. He didn't say anything, just held me while I cried, my tears soaking his white shirt, but he didn't mind.

As my cries came to a rest, I moved away from him, but not too far; his hands were still around my waist as I stared up at him.

"What happened, baby?" He spoke softly, as if he didn't want to break me.

"M- my mom, she- she collapsed in the mall an- and I don't know what to do I'm scared, Adam," I sobbed again, burying my face in my boyfriend's chest.

He stroked the back of my head, combing my hair while he comforted me.

Then I felt his hand softly resting on my jaw, gradually lifting it to look at him.

I know I look pitiful right now, but I don't care; all I want is for my mother to be okay.

"Whether your mother made it or not, I'll always be here for you."

I nodded and closed my eyes, leaning in for his touch.

When we heard another footstep, our moment was cut short. When I looked behind Adam, I noticed my aunt running towards us.

"I'm sorry for being late; my boss wouldn't let me leave early even if it was an emergency. Asshole right?"

I stepped away from Adam's embrace and hugged Aunt Tess.

She didn't get to say anything else before the doctor abruptly exited the room where my mother was.

He appeared depressed and guilty.

Oh no.

"Uh, can we take a seat first?" Aunt Tess and I followed him as he motioned for a seat, while Adam just stood there.

Before speaking, the doctor cast a glance at me. "Are you her daughter?"

I only nodded, scared that if I spoke up, my voice might shatter.

"I'm sorry... Your mother couldn't make it."

And that's when I felt like someone was tearing my heart apart.

"Wha- what?"

"We tried everything to save her, but her lungs were so weak that..."

I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying. Aunt Tess was shutting her eyes when a tear ran down her cheek.

Adam wasn't crying, and he's not the type of person who sobs in public, but I've seen him cry many times when he believes his father doesn't respect him enough. He simply appears depressed.

While the doctor was explaining to Aunt Tess about my mother, I stood up from my seat. "Excuse me I had to go to the restroom."

I ran into the hallway to use the restroom without waiting for their response.

I rushed to an empty cubicle and puked on the toilet.

After I finished, I flushed the toilet and exited the stall to stand in front of a mirror and a sink.

And I was correct; I was looking pathetic right now.

Why didn't I cry when the doctor said it, when I was pathetically sobbing on Adam's chest just a minute before?

Maybe it was a shock?

I turned on the water and cupped my hands together to collect some water before splashing it on my face.

I stepped to the side and took out some tissues to wipe my face.

Before exiting the restroom, I checked myself in the mirror one more time.

I'm hoping this is all a bad dream, and that if I pinch myself hard enough, I'll wake up.

But I suppose fate had other intentions.

[𝟑] 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now