C H A P T E R 15

264 7 0

Adam and I discreetly rooted for our friends, our supportive cheers a stark contrast to the presence of a killjoy, my cousin, looming behind us.

Despite the less-than-enthusiastic aura, our friends' performance on the rink was nothing short of impressive.

As the game commenced seamlessly, our friends demonstrated exceptional skill and coordination, repeatedly scoring while the Blakes struggled to secure even a single point. The scoreboard painted a clear picture of their dominance, marking their achievements against the opponent's lackluster attempts.

Each successful play from our friends elicited subdued yet heartfelt cheers from Adam and me. Our encouragement, though restrained, echoed our unwavering support for their triumphs on the rink.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere remained tinged with the discordance brought about by the presence of the disinterested cousin.

Despite the subdued setting, our friends' prowess shone through, showcasing their superior gameplay and determination. Our subdued yet steadfast backing continued as a testament to our loyalty and belief in their abilities, even amidst the somewhat disheartening ambiance created by my cousin's disinterest.

As the game progressed, the tide turned dramatically when the Blakes, seemingly awakened, shifted into a more serious mode, matching the scoring pace set by the Warriors.

However, the turning point arrived when the Blakes secured another goal. In a pivotal moment, Charlie, tasked with defending their net, stumbled on the ice, unable to thwart the opponent's advance. The alarm blared as the puck found its way past Charlie and Julie, signaling a score for the opposing team.

Reacting to the frustration of conceding a goal, Charlie stood up, visibly agitated. In a sudden outburst of emotion, he forcefully struck his hockey stick against the side of the net in a display of frustration. The referee promptly blew the whistle, indicating a penalty and sending Charlie to the penalty box, a decision that further fueled his already mounting anger.

Enraged by the referee's call, Charlie's emotions reached a boiling point, his anger palpable as he was relegated to the penalty box. The intensity of the moment resonated through the arena, casting a brief shadow over the once-thriving energy of the game.

With a heavy sigh of distress, I found solace in covering my face with my hands, overwhelmed by the unfolding tension. Feeling Adam's comforting gesture as he gently caressed my back, a small but reassuring touch amidst the chaos, provided a sense of support.

Driven by an impulse to address the situation, I rose from my seat, silently making my way down the stands towards the penalty box where Charlie was sequestered. I didn't utter a word to Adam, my singular focus on reaching Charlie's side.

"Charlie," I called out, prompting him to turn towards me, but something in his expression caught my attention. His countenance shifted from anger to something softer, an unexpected change that briefly registered but didn't fully distract me from the pressing issue at hand.

"What's going on with you?" I inquired, hoping for an explanation, yet Charlie's response was a frustrated huff, indicating his reluctance to engage.

Despite his defensiveness, my concern lingered, driven by a desire to understand the root of his sudden outburst.

The shift in his expression, though noticed, was momentarily overshadowed by the urgency of the situation, leaving me determined to uncover the cause behind Charlie's uncharacteristic behavior.

In the silence that followed, with Charlie's gaze fixed on the ground and his reluctance to speak, I felt compelled to offer some advice, hoping to quell his frustration and refocus his energy.

"Stay calm, Charlie. Don't let your anger get the better of you, it could affect the game," I urged, emphasizing the importance of maintaining composure in the face of adversity.

"Understood?" I sought confirmation, but Charlie remained silent. However, he nodded in acknowledgment, offering a faint smile in response to my words. Yet, his smile seemed disconnected, failing to reach his eyes, hinting at the lingering intensity of his emotions.

"Okay," he murmured before swiftly returning to the rink, his determination to rejoin the game evident in his stride.

Despite the brief interaction, a sense of unease lingered within me, uncertain of the impact of our exchange on Charlie's state of mind as he resumed his position on the ice.

The tension in the air thickened as I remained glued to the edge of the rink, my focus locked onto the unfolding game.

Charlie's decisive move to possess the puck drew the attention of his teammates, their voices echoing in the arena, urging him to consider passing. However, he remained resolute, unwavering in his determination to take the puck to the Blakes' net, heedless of the pleas from his team.

A moment of chaos ensued as Charlie was tripped by a Blake player, causing a frantic scramble for control of the puck.

Despite the near miss, the puck lingered tantalizingly close to the net, almost teasing a score. However, the opportune moment slipped away, seized instead by the opposing team who capitalized on Charlie's momentary fall.

The blaring alarm signified another successful score for the Blakes, marking the end of the game, their victory confirmed.

Defeat settled heavily over me, and I leaned against the rink boards, hands covering my face in a mix of frustration and disappointment.

The weight of the loss, compounded by the tumultuous events of the game, left me with a sense of helplessness as the reality of defeat sank in.

The game's conclusion painted a bitter picture, and I couldn't help but release a heavy, defeated sigh, my emotions a mix of frustration and dismay at the unfortunate turn of events.

[𝟑] 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now