The two insects looked at each other and divided into two groups.

  "His Majesty."

  The brigade from the rear had already arrived for support, and the marshal led the military females to the Insect King. The Insect King looked at the injured Amilo and was furious.

  "Amilo, how did you become a marshal? How did you arrive here? How can you military women defend the empire if you can't even control such a scene?"

  The accused marshal lowered his head and said, "The rescue is late. I will ask you to punish me when I return to the palace. But now is not the time to talk. Please get on the airship and leave quickly."

  "Your Majesty, the number of mutant bugs has not yet been determined, and it is impossible to predict whether the next wave of bugs will arrive." Nolin mentioned.

  The Insect King's expression changed instantly, and he immediately followed the Marshal onto the airship without saying anything else.

  The main force was left behind, and Nolin and Hugh joined together.

  The nobles and insect people who had no time to escape were in a panic, while the mutated insects and the military females fought. Looking at the blood and stumps on the ground, Xio and the admiral both had solemn expressions on their faces. But there was no time for the military females to grieve. They drew their weapons and plunged into the bloody battle.

  "Save me first!" The killing continued.

  "I am a noble! I am a noble male insect! You must save me first!"

  An aristocratic male insect that was attacked by mutant bugs called for help from Xio. He crawled and rolled, avoiding the attacks of mutant bugs while running around with the mutant bugs among the swarms of bugs that had no time to escape.

  Xio's eyes flashed, "Run to the clearing!"

  Let him run to the open space? Wouldn't that make the mutant bugs chase him and attack him?

  The male insect seemed to be unknown and viciously deliberately led the mutated insect to the innocent insect people. He even shouted at the mutant bugs, "Don't come here! If you want to catch them, catch them! Catch them, these civilian bugs!"

  Xio couldn't believe it, and anger was rising faintly in his back. But in order to avoid more insect casualties, he speeded up and chased the mutant insect.

  The terrifying spiritual tentacles have already stabbed towards the male insect.

  "Ahhh--" The male insect screamed in fright, and his eyes that tightened and flashed suddenly caught a glimpse of the crying insect cub on the ground. Between lightning and thunder,

  He grabbed the stumbling bug cub and held it against his chest.


  Xio was too late to stop it. Amidst the cry of the little insect cub, there was a "pop" sound, and the tentacles penetrated the young chest. Blood splashed into Xio's stunned eyes. His heart was pounding, and his hands were cold. Xio felt the blood flow backwards, and the blood mist on his pupils eroded Xio's nerves.

  He couldn't believe it, but tears mixed with scarlet tears welled up silently. That spiritual tentacle seemed to penetrate from the insect cub's body into Xio's heart, causing Xio's heart to twist together in pain.

  Looking at the corpse of the little bug cub, Xio's abdominal cavity tightened and hurt.

  The male insect is still shouting, "Damn military female, do you know what my family is? Do you know the Gretel family! Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come and save me!"

The scum of the Zerg attack your character and your character is brokenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin