Chapter 7 - Strange Activity

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TW: Mention of death and detail about it

The last bell rang. We were all out of there, and before this, Misty gave me her address. Since she rode the bus, it was gonna take her longer to get home, so she told me to be there by 4.

Solid, right? If you're curious about what the police had found, guess.


Nothing, they found absolutely nothing. They couldn't trace anything back to anyone and ruled it as an unsolved case for now. They are still investigating.

There was a camera in the hallway we were in, and before the scream even happened, the camera started glitching out and only stopped when we were outside of the bathrooms.

The last person who went in and actually used it before that bathroom was closed was Jessica. Yes, the one who was fighting earlier.

After that, they refused to give us any more information. They did question me and Darlie though during 5th period and told me they'd question us again when they got more information.

The girl wasn't really identifiable. Someone had stabbed her multiple times. Neck, chest, heart, thigh, you name it. They also sliced off any features you could recognize her from. Nose, eyes, lips, hands, feet.

The only way they found out who she was. Was by her teeth and hair.

We all know it was definitely someone in the school who did it. If it were a stranger, we would have been on lockdown before then. The guys and I wouldn't have been able to wander through the hallway.

Think about what kind of monster you have to be as a high schooler to try and get rid of identifiable features off someone and cut and saw them like they were a log.

Even after a month, I still don't feel safe. They're still here. Still around, pretending like nothing ever happened. They didn't do anything. They're innocent. It never happened.


I must admit, I'm starting to take the murderer on the loose thing seriously. It's something to worry about now. It affected me and everybody around me.

It's fucked up what we as teenagers can do.

TW: Mentions of death

I made my way over Misty's house, her neighborhood looked... strange.

There was trash everywhere, tires, roadkill, and overall... it just looked like it had been destroyed.

Even after seeing all of that, I still chose to go.

When I came across Misty's house, it was the only one that looked livable.

It looked clean and pretty and looked like a nice family lived there.

I hopped off my bike and left it on their porch, climbing up the stairs and knocking. The door swung open,

"Oh, hi Eli! I'm so glad you could make it." Misty said cheerfully.

I smiled and she let me inside of her house. Just one look around, I wanted to leave.

Her brother was staring at me, and he honestly did not look alive. His eyes were extremely red, and his mouth was slightly open.

He looked high out of his mind, and to my surprise, I saw a cigarette in his hand and a bag with something.

I didn't question it, though. I followed Misty to her room, and as we walked... I could feel multiple eyes stabbing my back.

I turned my head and looked around. There was no one looking at me. Am I imagining things, or is this really happening?

"I'm sorry about my brother. He just came back from a 20-hour shift." Misty said, trying to reassure me there was nothing to worry about.

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