Chapter 6 - Darlie

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March 10th, 1983.

I did my usual, and so did my dad. However, he offered to take me to school. He didn't feel safe with me riding my bike.

I told him to just go to work and I'd be okay. He hesitantly agreed and left.

I got to school on time, and nobody was stalling or crowding the front entrance. It almost felt like I was too early.

I walked inside, and there were a few people standing around. Otherwise, everybody was walking to their lockers and going to class.

I made my way to the cafeteria to have a quick breakfast. I didn't see anyone I knew, besides Darlie. She was barely eating.

I grabbed my breakfast and sat next to her,

"Hey, Darlie."

She looked at me, then back at her pancakes, "Hey Eli."

"How have you been since... you know."

"A lot more cautious. Since it happened in the girls' bathroom, it was probably a girl."

I nodded while she continued, everyday I still think about that same girl.

"I've been keeping my distance. I'm still hanging out with my girlfriends, though."

"Sounds right. Do you know where Dillan, Ethan, and Andrew are?"

"Oh, they're not here today. Or they're just late. Ethan might be here, though."

Great... now my day became worse.

"Can I hang with you then?"

"Why? because your little friends aren't here? I'm a placeholder for them?"

Why is she like this...

"No, we don't get to hang out much, and I thought it'd be nice to do so now."

"Mmm.. okay, sure." She took a bite out of her pancakes, and I did the same.

We talked for a while, and the first bell rung. This means we only had about 7 minutes to finish up and get to our home room.

"I'm gonna go. Catch up with you at 4th period?" Darlie said, grabbing her trey.

"Yeah, see you then." She nodded and walked off, throwing away her trey and leaving the cafeteria.

A/N: Darlie's name is pronounced like Dar-lee.

I did the same and swung my bag over my shoulder, going to the junior hallway.

I continued on with my morning as usual until I turned my head and noticed Misty walking up to me.

"Hey Elijah!"

"Oh.. Hey, Misty." I responded, scratching the back of my head. Thankfully, I didn't lose my voice this time. My heart started beating fast, though.

"Where's your friends?" She asked curiously, looking around.

"Not here, Darlie told me they weren't..." I made eye contact with her, slightly shaking. On the inside, I was red. She was actually talking to me.

"Oh, okay! did you want to hang out after school?" She asked, making eye contact with me.

"I'd love to, Misty." I immediately replied, smiling.

She smiled back at me and said her goodbyes before walking off to class. She actually talked to me. This was the first time in a while where she actually came up to me.

Should I be getting my hopes up, though? Wait, I'm overthinking again. It's just Misty. She's harmless. She's an angel and the love of my life.

Her asking me if we could hang out after school is the third best thing she could've asked. Number one is her asking if I wanted to be her boyfriend, which hasn't happened yet, but it will eventually.


Darlie and I decided to skip 4th period, math sucked and we didn't want to sit there bored and our heads on our fists.

"Want some gum?" Darlie offered, and I nodded.

She handed me a piece, and I shoved it into my mouth, I'm just now realizing when Dillan and Andrew isn't here... It's quiet.

Still no sign of Ethan either, so I guess we'll count him too.

"Eli, you should get a perm or something."

"Huh?" My eyes immediately shot over to her. Why would I perm my hair?

"Perm your hair." She repeated, staring at me.

"Why? I barely even touch my hair in the morning." I looked away, cute suggestion but not for me.

"Ewwww..." She moved her hand away as she was about to touch it.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at her, "Are you friends with Misty?"

"Ohh.. We talk sometimes, but not really." Darlie responded. Fuck.

"Well, She asked me to hang out after school, and I don't know what she really does."

"So, the first thing you do is ask me? I don't know Misty. You should've asked one of those girls she hangs out with."

I sighed and broke eye contact. What was I gonna do? I don't know Misty like that anymore.

I could definitely have used any advice at this point, I need my friends. They always know how to talk to girls.

I'm just some guy in their group who barely gets around, unlike Ethan.

I need help.

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