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2 weeks later

Yumi was a bit distracted. Because not was she super fustreted because of a meeting earlier with one of her business managers, she had to go to a party that was thrown for the beauty and cosmetics industry people

Inumaki, Yuji and Maki could clearly tell she was in a bad mood. She got mad at her window for no reason and was acting super grumpy all day

Of course she didn't argue or was rude to them but seeing her like this was just a little different for them. She is like a queen bee, beaming with confidence, mature and classy. But today she was acting like a pouting child who didn't want to do anything

Now she was cuddling with Inumaki, her arms wrapped around his torso, her face hidden on his neck

Maki and Itadori looked at each other in concern

"Yumi-chan, are you okay?"

Yuji asked, sitting next to them. His hand soothingly rubbing her back


All of her lovers blinked, not knowing what to do


Maki asked

"Have a party to go to"

Now everyone was even more confused

"Don't you love to party?"

Maki asked again

"Yes I do, but I am in pain!"

"You're in your period?"



"I don't know, I just don't wanna do anything!"

She childishly claimed, her holding tightening around Inumaki

"Tuna tuna"

Inumaki told Maki, it only made Maki sigh

"Toge, she needs to attend meetings. It's for her own company's benefits."

Maki firmly said

"Senpai, maybe she will go to the next one?"

Yuji tried to get Maki to get a little softer but she was already done with her decision

"Yuji, you have to understand, she needs to do this. She can't back down from every meeting. And you two are spoiling her. "

Yuji sighed again

By this time, Nobara and Megumi also came in the room

"What's going on here?''

Nobara asked

The sight was odd to say the least. Yumi was laced on Inumaki and it looked like Itadori was comforting her. Maki looked like she was done with everything and not impressed

"I don't wanna goooooo"

Yumi whined out

Making Megumi and Nobara a little surprised. They blinked a couple of times.

"She's been like this since the morning."

Panda wispered to the two newcomers

Megumi and Nobara nodded, looking at the bizarre couple situation Infront of them

To be honest, it was quite cute. It looked looked like Yumi was being protected by her boyfriends, who were absolutely wrapped around her little finger. Maki, although was very fond of her, the strict one

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