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The next day when both Yuki and Yumi were in the went to the training fields.

"Okay, now tell me what your technique is. "

"Use your domain expention on me"

Yuki's eyes went wide, gaping at the young blonde.

Domain expention is not something you play with. It would be almost like playing with your life.

' Is she high or something? I just became her adoptive mother yesterday and now she wants me to kill her? '

Yuki thought to herself

It was forbidden for sorcerers to use domain expention on other people. Except curse users, ig.

Yuki was no stranger to these things.Within a domain expansion, the user's cursed techniques are improved and any that are activated are guaranteed to hit. People can get mentally unstable if they get in a domain expention

"Absolutely not,young lady!  You don't even know what you're asking for!"

Yumi just shrugged

"Listen mom, I am not high. I promise you, nothing will happen to me I need you to hit me to show my technique."

After hours, Yumi managed to convince Yuki. Yuki still wasn't convinced but reluctantly agreed

"It's only natural for your domain to hurt me, But it's unnatural for you domain to not work on me."

Yumi wispered under her breath

Yuki used her domain expention, only to realize it won't even work on her. Her domain didn't even go close to her. She couldn't capture Yumi in a domain in the first place.

Yuki stood there stunned, looking at Yumi with shock filled eyes. She had been a spacial grade for many years now, she never saw something like this.

A domain can guarantee a hit, but for that the target needed to be captured in the domain. But she couldn't capture Yumi no matter how many times she tried

" H-how are you doing...... That, Yumi?"

The said girl smirked

"It is natural for your domain to hurt me. But its unnatural for it to not work on me."

Yuki was still in disbelief

"This.... This is crazy. How can this be possible? Kid if you master this, nothing, trust me nothing can stop you. You'll be the strongest ."

Yuki said with wide eyes.

"Of course I will be! I am your daughter after all!"

Yuki's eyes softened. It truly was a huge thing in her life. She never thought she would be this happy with some brat calling her mom

"Guess you're right. But I gotta fix the papers. Get a fake birth certificate of you. Lots of work to do."

Yuki said while massaging her temples. Thinking how many phone calls she have to make after this training session.

"I guess you're right. But mom first let's see what else I can do!"

That's what they did for the whole morning till late noon.

Yumi could literally do anything. Teleportation, running faster than the wind, healing. Anything. You name it she can do it.

Yuki was happy and terrified at the same time. Because she knows what Yumi will ask her next.

DEVIL'S MISTRESS | JJK X OP/fem!ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن