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When the meeting started, everything was going normally.

Yumi sat with her mom. Todo and Itadori were standing behind her

For the first 2 hours they just talked about clan business. This time mostly Gojo, Zenin and Kamo were talking.

Yumi was barely listening to anything. She was going through her phone. Looking at photos. Just passing time. She was slowly starting to think she made a mistake by coming in this meeting.

I mean, it's been hours yet nothing out of the ordinary happened. Nothing fishey was going on.

But that changed rather quickly as Gakuganji Yoshinobu started

"Gojo, you wanted us to keep Okkostu Yuta alive, fine we did. But you can't do the same with Yuji Itadori. He is a treat to the world and needs to be eliminated"

"Nope, not on my watch. I told you, we will proceed with the exicution when he will eat all of the fingers"

It went on, Gojo and the elders bikkered around. Giving reason when he should and should not be executed now

To say Yumi was disgusted would be an understatement. He was glaring at Gakuganji.

Like come on, how can you talk about someone's exicution Infront of them. Worse that someone is a child. A literal 16 year old child.

These kinds of things left Yumi disturbed for life

"Gojo what you are doing is wrong. You're just using your power. Yuji Itadori is a monster! He should die so we could live in peace. You are being selfish now "

As soon as Gakuganji said that, Yumi felt something break inside her. Her heart went cold for a moment. She felt numb. She felt this blind rage in herself, it bloodlust.

She had felt like this only once before. She felt like this when she killed someone for the first time, the man who called her mother a whore

It was the same rage she felt that day

Gojo was about to say something when the room went eirily quiet as a massive amount of cursed energy leaked from the room. It was so massive and dark that it was almost suffocating

Yuki instently knew it was her daughter. She was there when something like this happened before. But it has been so many years from then, she never expected this would happen again

"If Yuji is a monster, what are you, you filth?"

Yumi asked in a very low voice, her eyes were closed. It was clear she was trying to control her anger

"Why are you quiet now? What the fuck are you pieces of shits if Yuji Itadori is a monster? Tell me how is he a monster "

One of the elders somehow got the courage and answered

" He is the vessel of sukuna, that alo-

He didn't even get to finish his sentence. He screamed in androgyny as his tongue was cut off on its own and fell on the table.

Everyone froze, they tried to stand up but because of an unknown force, they couldn't move

"Who the hell are you? Are you god? Why would you get to decide who is gonna live and who is gonna die? Yuji Itadori isn't a monster. He is an angel who's protecting us from a devil like the king of crurses by keeping him locked inside him. We should be grateful to him, not ...... This, whatever this is. He is doing something no one has ever been able to do. Not even the strongest"

She said all of this in one go. Yumi was beyond furious. She was so pissed that the glass on her hand broke from the pressure she was putting. Yuki gasped

"Baby are you -

But Yumi stopped her

"I am perfectly fine, Mom. This little cut won't kill me, I've gone through much worse."

This made Yuki realize her daughter is beyond mad and won't stop whatever happened now. So she shut her mouth and quietly watched what was happening, there was nothing she could do anyway

"You call Gojo selfish, you say he is using his powers, then what are you monkeys doing? answer me!?"

Yumi asked, her eyes slowly changing

"You meggots are the only selfish ones here. You have nothing, do no work, just give us orders. We are the only ones who care for the jujutsu world. Face it, you could sacrifice anyone to achieve your goals even a child, in the name of protecting the jujutsu world! You could care less about anyone else all the pain you cause others as long as your greedy asses are still in power "
Yumi took a deep breath. Everyone else was looking at her with wide shocked eyes

Yuta and Gojo were speechless. They had been going to so many meetings like this but nobody ever had the courage to talk over the elders like this

"Go beg Yuji's mercy. Only if he forgives you, I will let you go alive from this room "

Now, everyone looked terrified

"Y-y-you c-c-cant do -

Yumi let out a laugh, a crual laugh

"O I will, what are you gonna do about it? You think Gojo can save you? No worries, If needed, I will kill him right here, right now. Now, either you apologize or die"

Gojo felt his breath hitch again. But this time not because of the desire he felt towards her. But because of hurt. It hurts him that she could say this so easily. He realized, he really meant nothing to Yumi Tsukomo.

Why did it hurt, he didn't know. But it did

"Yumi-chan, I don't need an apology. I am -

Yuji, being the kind soul he is, tried to calm her down. But Yumi stopped him


Yuji gulped, the starness in her voice told him to stop. This is the first time she had called him by his first name and not some kind of pet name

"Being kind is good. But don't make your kindness stupidity by being kind to the people who doesn't deserve it. These maggots has hurt so many people that even hell will not except them."

Now Yumi looked at Yuji, her eyes told the tale of her rage

"It's you who is suffering now. How would you feel if another kid like you went through everything you are going through because of these disgusting excuses of humans? How would you feel knowing you had a chance to teach them a lesson but you didn't? Don't give them more chances then they already have"

Yuji went absolutely quiet. Everything she said was true, everything she said made perfect sense

Now he was looking downwards, shame fully grasping his mind

Yumi looked back at the elders,

"Apologize or else, hurry, I don't have all day"

One by one, everyone apologized to Yuji. After that she got up from her chair

"This meeting is over, next time if I see any useless talkshows like this ever again, I will kill every fucking one of you and send you head as a gift to your family. Yuji Itadori will be under my care, no one will get any say in his life other than me. I will decide if he will live or die"

With that, she grabbed Yuji's hand and started to drag him outside with her. But she stopped for a moment, looking back at them

"If you try anything else to harm my Yuji, I will show no mercy. I will make death a luxury for you maggots. You will beg me for death but I won't give you that. Remember, I am not Gojo Satoru. I won't try to change this messed up system, I don't have morals like him. I will just straight up castrate you. "

She smiles at them and everyone feels chills down their necks. It was truly terrifying

"Because I am not the heavens honored one, I am the pawn of the devil. To me, blood is the only acceptable answer "

With that she left the room, dragging Yuji with her

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