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It was night time

Yumi thought it was the right time to take a little walk. So she put on her slippers and went to one of the training fields.

It was a peaceful night. Her mind felt at peace and cool as she walked taking the fresh night air.

She heard some grunts, so she followed the sounds and found Maki practicing.

Maki's hits were all neatly done, which made Yumi smirk. She was so proud of Maki. Maki was one of the characters she simps for the most. She was just too hot

So she stood there, watching her practice.


When Maki was practing, she couldn't help as her thoughts went to Yumi time, time and time again. Which made her very fustrated

"Why am I thinking about her? If she likes others, I cant help it. But, she really likes me too..... Doesn't she?"

She thought but then growled because she was getting distracted and she didn't like that

She kept doing hand to hand combat when accidentally her foot lost balance. Her eyes waiden before she closed them tightly. Ready to fell flat on her ass

"Are you gonna keep your eyes closed or look up?"

Her eyes snapped open. Looking around her eyes waiden in shock. She was flouting on thin air

"What The fuckin hell?''

She asked herself

"It's really not that good time to practice. It's dark everywhere and you don't have six eyes like Gojo "

Maki followed the voice and her eyes locked with the most beautiful pair of turquoise. After some time she noticed those eyes belonged to none other than Yumi Tsukomo

She was looking at her with a cocky smirk.

Maki averted her gaze

"Yumi, are you doing this?''

Maki asked, pointing herself flouting

Yumi just nodded with a neutral look. After sometime Yumi put her down

It was quiet for some time as Yumi stared at Maki. Who uncomfortably stood there

"Everything is good but your balance is a little of. You need to work on that. Other than that, need to work on your angles"

Maki stared at Yumi with a surprised look.

Yumi came close and started to instruct her to perfect the moves. She wordlessly showed her how to do the moves.

Maki was quite impressed and thankful that Yumi decided to help her.  She took a note, Yumi was also really good at hand to hand combat. Her moves were sharp and fast. Hard to detect with normal eyes

No matter how many times Maki tried to hit Yumi but she blocked all the attacks.

"A true special grade"

Maki thought to herself, as she spared with Yumi.

"What's your grade?"

Yumi asked in between explaining and angling Maki's body so the hits have more pressure in it

Maki sighed

"Fourth grade"

Yumi paused and frowned her eyesbrows

"But you're really good..... Better than Megumi and ino for sure. They are even second grade.... You should be at least second grade. Did you try for a promotion?"

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