She wondered why this boy had come to see her when his girlfriend hated her.

"How are you, Miyuki ?"

She answered with a push in the air and a smile so he could easily understand.

"I've got a surprise for you."

Miyuki smiled at him and saw Riki pull a chocolate bar from her back.

She opened her mouth and took out her pen to write in her notebook, "It's my favorite chocolate !"

Miyuki turned her notebook over and Riki was astonished to read this.

Miyuki, that's not possible.

Do you really love that filthy thing ?

"Me too ! That's why I chose it."

Miyuki laughed and hurried to open the tablet.

She broke it in two and handed one end to Riki.

"Oh no thanks, I'm not very hungry."

Miyuki ate her little piece of chocolate and picked up her pen again.

"No one has ever understood why I like this taste of chocolate, yet it's one of the best."

"Yes, it is. The best taste in the world."

"It was my dream that they would add this taste to the vending machine, it took a long time but it finally happened."

One wonders why they took so long, Miyuki...

"That was your dream ?"

Miyuki nodded before biting into her chocolate bar again.

"You must have a better dream, right ?"

He saw the girl lower her head and her whole face change.

She picked up her pen and slowly wrote, "I'd like to talk."

When she showed Riki the paper, he raised his eyebrows slightly. She quickly took it back and continued her sentence, "I know it sounds impossible, but I know there are people to whom it's happened, to find their voice again !"

Riki ran his tongue over his lips and leaned back against the back of his chair.

"It's an amazing dream, if you believe it, it will happen."

Miyuki smiled as she looked at the paper in her hands. She wanted to believe that a miracle would happen for her too.

That one day.

She would speak.

Riki breathed in and moved closer to Miyuki, saying, "By the way, would you like to do the history oral with me ?"

Miyuki frowned, slightly surprised that Riki would ask a mute girl to do an oral with him.

"Riki, I'm mute, in case you've forgotten."

The young man laughed, baring his teeth in Miyuki's face, and added, looking away from the girl, "Anyway, you don't have a choice, I didn't choose this."

Miyuki stepped back, not understanding what Riki meant.

"It was the teacher who wanted me to do it with you."

Miyuki opened her mouth and took another bite of chocolate.

"Then we have no choice but to work together. And it's not fair that everyone is preoccupied with this oral and you're not."

"In the end, it doesn't bother me that much not to do it." Miyuki wrote, laughing. "But you're going to have to learn my parts too, aren't you ?"

Riki laughed when he read what Miyuki had written and said, looking up at her, "We'll manage, I don't think it'll be very complicated. "

Riki got up from his chair and said, hands still on the table, "Finally, I want a piece of my favorite chocolate."

Miyuki cut off a piece and gave it to him.

"We'll find moments to prepare for this oral, we've got a lot of work to do."

Riki smiled at her, then left the room before finding Sunoo, who had just finished his ice cream.

"Here, a present." he said, handing him the small piece of chocolate Miyuki had given him. "I wonder how I dared touch that."

"Does she like mint chocolate ?"

Riki nodded. "Unfortunately."

"She's a good girl." then he ate the piece of chocolate.

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