"Wow." I said under my breath. 

"Wow what?" She asked, worried.

"You.. You care." I spoke quietly.

"Of course I do Harry!" She said looking forward to the road. "And you do to."

"Yes, I do. Ill get him one day Kate, rather its me, or I have to pay someone. I won't let him get away with hurting you easily. Trust me." I said pulling into the golf place. Luckily, I was able to go back to a private part of the course to be alone. I parked the car and looked over at Kate. Tears were streaming down her face.

"K-Kate, what's wrong!?" I yelled, super worried.

"Its nothing..." She whispered and wiped away a tear.

"Babe, its something."

"Just... The drama.. That's all. But don't worry. I love you." She said faking a smile. I smiled back. It was the first time she told me she loved me, without me saying it first. I knew I had her wrapped around my finger now. She was 100% mine. 

"I love you too." I replied smiling. We climbed out of the car and I grabbed my golf items. I didn't even care if paparazzi shows up, or if fans come over screaming. I'm proud to call Kate mine. I love this girl more than Ive ever loved anyone before.

We slowly walked up the the door of the golf company. I signed in at the front counter and a man led Kate and I back to where I always go to play golf.

"Now Mr.Styles, you know where the restrooms are." He said looking at me. I nodded my head. "And you ," He said smirking at Kate. "Let me show you where they are."

I didn't trust that guy, he was looking at Kate like, he liked her.

"Oh, a-alright." She said looking at him.

"Follow me." He said smirking and veiwing her body.

"I'd rather come with." I snapped at him.

'Harry, you can trust me." She said not realizing he was looking at her.

"Its him." I said giving him a dirty look.

"Mr.Styles, what's your friends name?" He asked smiling.

"Oh, my girlfriends name is Kate."

His face looked dissapointed.

"Ms.Kate, I'm sure your boyfriend will show you where the restrooms are." He said giving her a dissapointed look and then walking away.

"Harry!" She yelled.

"Kate, he was staring at you."

"What?" She asked looking at the ground.

"You don't like him, right?" I asked lifting her head up with my finger.

"Ew, no. Of course not." She said with a smile.

"Good, cause I dont' share." I said setting the golf clubs down to the ground. I pulled one out and handed it to Kate. She grabbed it and watched me as I pulled one out for me, and a golf ball. I played in a second part of the place in the back. It had a wide open space, with a dome over it. I set one of the golf balls on the ground properly, and positioned to hit it. The club and ball made contact flying out to almost the hole to go into. 

"You try." I said smiling at her. She giggled and set a golf ball on the ground like I did. I stood close to her, maybe a little to close. She positoned correctly to hit the ball, but swung it back hitting hard into my crotch. I fell over instantly.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" She asked kneeling down near me. I hunched over on my side, unable to move.

"Please tell me your alive!" She yelled shaking me. I groaned. The pain was intense, but I wasn't mad cause she didn't mean to. 

"Can you stand?" She asked.

"No." Was all I replied with.

"Try to move."

"I can't.." I struggled to say. This pain was terrible, and she didn't understand half of how much it hurt.

"What should I do?" She asked, freaking out.

"Rest.. Just... Rest." I used alot of strength to say. She sighed and sat next to me, meanwhile I felt pathetic that I couldnt even move. She laid her hand on my head and brushed through my curls.

"I'm sorry baby." She whispered and lightly kissed my cheek.

"Its okay, don't worry." I struggled to say. Her brushing through my hair and her light humming seemed to help my intense pain. The pain went down slightly, letting me be able to lean up.

"I-Ill make it up to you." She said sitting next to me. "Ill take care of it when we get home." She whispered and pressed her lips into mine.

"I can't wait till we get home now." I spoke softly, considering the pain overpowered.

She lightly giggled. "Its my turn to do something." She said giving me chills. Well, this would be fun by the time we got home, and I couldn't wait.

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