28 Break My Broken Heart

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Butterflies flooded me. I rolled my eyes as he came closer. "Dinner is ready."

"Good..." He lowered a dark gaze over me. I felt it caress every inch like the back of his knuckles. "I'm starving."

"Shut up." I whirled away. "You guys better get your asses upstairs before the food gets cold."

He sighed behind me. I just knew he was staring at my ass. A sound came from him, a starved sound that made me toss an incredulous look over my shoulder. He smirked unapologetically. 

Heading down the corridor, my heels clicked on the wooden floors. Too quick and defenseless against Daniel's unhurried boots. 

I passed the bedroom we'd share tonight when he paused behind me. He frowned at the adjacent door, the one that belonged to the laundry.

My mood stripped to pure anxiety. "What is it?" 

He flicked a glance my way, slowly reaching for the handle. Wrapped his hand around it, turned his gaze. Still as a stone. Then cracked it open...

I froze.

Andrei was standing between Charlotte's legs. She was sitting on top of the laundry machine. They froze like deers caught in the headlights. Her lipstick smeared on their mouths. His hand viciously buried in her blonde hair. His white button-down wrinkled.

Dead silence passed.

"Finally," was all Daniel said, then slammed the door on their faces.

"What's going on?" Niko appeared behind him. I squeaked in panic. 

"Hm? Nothing." Daniel feigned ignorance.

"Who's in there?"

"No one."

Niko brushed past him and opened. Oh, God. This was it. This was the day Andrei died.

This silence lasted even longer. I could feel my armpits sweating.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Daniel shook his head, an evil sparkle in his eyes. "In a laundry room, Andrei? Is this...is this how you treat your best friend's sister?"

"I—" Andrei's voice quivered. 

"Shame on you!"

"Seriously..." Niko chimed in. Murderous, but amused. "I expected better than that."

"At least take her out on a date." Daniel folded his arms.

"Or talk to her brother."

"Could've at least bought her flowers."

"Or a wedding ring."

"Wait." Daniel fake-gasped, holding his pearls. "Does this mean I'm going to be an uncle?"

Charlotte exploded. "Oh my God, will you two shut up!?"

The roasting never stopped over dinner. It reminded me of the lakeside evening the five of us spent at my dad's vineyard, eating desserts and getting to know each other. 

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