5. Astrid Goes for a Spin

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you've done it!" Gobber shouts. "You've done it, Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!"

The rest of the students that came to watch him cheer as well with Fishlegs putting Hiccup on his shoulder. Hiccup however, wasn't as happy but he didn't want to be questioned so he just faked everything.

"Yeah. Yes. I can't wait, I am so..."


"Leaving. We're leaving."

Hiccup was in the clearing with his flight clothes on and a basket of fish on his back.

"Hero! Wherever you are, you need to pack up. Looks like the four of us are taking a vacation. Forever." He sets the basket down and adjusts his gear before perking up at the sound of something next to him. When he turns around and sees Astrid, he jumps away with a loud yelp. "What the!? What are you doing here?"

"I wanna know what's going on." Astrid says simply, throwing away the rock she was using to sharpen her ax and moving closer to Hiccup who started backing away. "No one gets as good as you do. ESPECIALLY you. Start talking!"

"Uh, I-uh..."

"Are you training with Hero? Where are they?" She pulls on his flight clothes. "It better not involve this!"

"I-I know this looks really bad, but you see this is uh...WOAH!"

Astrid pulls him by his clothes but quickly pushes him to the ground when she hears something. Hiccup quickly gets up and in front of her, blocking her vision.

"Ah! You're right, you're right! I-I-I'm through with the lies! Me and Hero have been making...outfits! So, you got me." He puts Astrid's hand on his chest. "It's time everyone knew. Drag me back, go ahead, let's go. I'll find Hero there-"

Astrid grabs Hiccup's hand and twists it, making him collapse to the ground.

"Ow! Why would you do that!?" He winces.

"That's for the lies." Astrid says, kicking Hiccup back down. She then drops the back of her ax on Hiccup's stomach. "And that's...! For everything else."

"Hiccup!?" Hero shouts, their voice muffled by them wiping their face with the bottom of their cloak. "I thought I heard you..." they trail off when they see Astrid with Hiccup laying on the ground in pain. "Son of a..."

Toothless was right behind them and started to charge towards Astrid.

"Get down!" Astrid shouts to Hiccup, tackling the boy to the ground right when he was about to get back up.

"Toothless, stop!" Hero tries to shout.

"Run! Run!" Astrid demands, standing back up with her ax winded back. Hiccup quickly tackles her to the ground before either her or Toothless get hurt. He then throws the ax away and stands between the two calming Toothless down.

Hero runs towards them before gasping when something nudges at their side. Koi stops being invisible and tilts her head at Astrid who was modified by what she was seeing.

"Y-You just scared them." Hiccup reassures Astrid who slowly starts to stand up.

"I scared them!?" She shouts, flinching at Toothless' growl. "Who is "them"!?"

"Uh...Astrid, Toothless and Koi. Toothless and Koi, Astrid." Hiccup introduces, trying his best to ignore the glare Hero was giving him.

Astrid shakes her head at Hiccup before quickly running off making Hero huff.

"Dah da dah, we're dead." Hiccup sarcastically sings as Toothless nods to himself and starts to walk away. Hiccup wasn't necessarily focused on him though, he was focused on Hero who looked annoyed. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

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