Flash chimed on "Oh my god, that's perfect! What's more rebellious than a tattoo?"

MJ turned to Flash and quirked an eyebrow "You want a matching tattoo with these dorks?"

Flash scoffed and said "No. I want all FOUR of us to get matching tattoos."

MJ couldn't stop the small smirk that danced on her lips when the three boys were shouting in agreement.

But then Peter said "Wait guys, I'm not so sure about this. I mean, a tattoo? It's weird. That feels so out of character for me."

The teens stood silent for a few more moments until Ned spoke quietly "You're right Peter, it is out of character. But, no offense, what even is your character right now? Your life's been turned upside down and things are changing really fast. I think this would be a good opportunity to kinda reinvent yourself and become the person you want to be. I'm not gonna try to convince you to do this, but I also thing it might be good to do something wild and crazy to get you out of this funk."

Peter crossed his arms and smiled "Let's do it."

Ned and MJ weren't too sure about permanently altering their bodies, but this was for Peter, so they would do it. 

Flash was just there for the ride. None of them minded. 

As the quad sat on the e train, Peter barely glanced down at his wrist and cursed softly. 

MJ asked "What's wrong, dork"

Peter held his his arms and pointed at the sleek black watch. "The watch! I forgot he can track me anytime he wants to. I can't take it off. Is he chooses to look at it today, I'm dead."

He groaned and hunched over. What is his life??

For the first time, Flash spoke up "Let me at it."

Peter apprehensively held out his wrist and Flash pulled out his laptop and a few cables. 

10 minutes later, Flash somehow managed to turn off the tracker that even Ned was unable to hack. 

The three stared at him in wonder and Flash just shrugged at them. "I have a crazy dad, too."

Peter sent him a big smile and said "Thanks, Flash."

Flash sent him back an awkward smile and rubbed the back of his neck shyly "It's whatever."

Soon enough, they stepped off the train and walked the few blocks to the Piercing/Tattoo shop. They did research on the train and this was one of the more reputable shops in NYC. 

When they stepped in, an employee walked up to them "You guys look a little young to be here. Do you have a parent or guardian's permission?"

Peter took a deep breath and decided now was the time to flaunt his status. "Yeah, my dad Tony Stark said it's cool"

He pulled out his ID that clearly said "Peter Anthony Stark" and the employee widened his eyes a little "Uh right this way, guys."

Peter made eye contact with the other three "You guys sure about this?"

Ned spoke up "Are YOU sure, Pete? We'll do whatever you do."

Peter thought of how pissed Tony would be and nodded his assent. 

The four were led to the back of the shop where four tattoo artists were waiting. With one last look, Peter checked to make sure his friends wanted to do this. 

Not for the first time, he felt grateful to have such supportive friends. 

The quad decided on this:

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