Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

From where Peter was sitting, he could see the dust bunnies under the desk, all the shiny shoes, and of course the socks adorning everyone's feet. 

He kept staring down at the floor, but took breaks every couple minutes to see every adult in the room staring down at him, exasperated. 

They were annoyed because when Tony announced it was time to leave, Peter planted himself on the ground, and wrapped himself around the heavy wooden desk. 

Childish? Yes. But at this point, Peter was willing to do anything to delay leaving that office and leaving his old life behind. 

It appeared as though Tony had enough because he said"That's enough Peter. I know you miss your aunt, but you were not safe there. This is for the best. Now let's go."

He gripped the boy on his arm and pulled him to stand. Tony placed a firm hand on his shoulder and led him out the room despite the protests coming from Peter. 

Tony kept his hand on Peter's shoulder until they reached the waiting room and Happy joined them. Both men standing on either side of Peter. To an outsider, it looked like two friends walking with a kid, but in reality, Peter was stuck in the middle and was being prevented from escaping. 

The trio made it to Tony's Audi R8 where Happy drove and Tony sat with Peter in the backseat. 

This trip wasn't like the other trips where Peter was happily chatting with this father figure, on their way to a weekly outing. No, this was Peter angrily pouting with his arms crossed, looking out the window and Tony replying to emails on his phone. 

The car was dead silent for the entire 45 minute drive from the police station to Stark Tower.

Happy finally pulled into the underground garage and Peter moved to jump out the car, but two things stopped him. One- the child locks that Tony engaged before Peter got in. Two- Tony. 

The man spoke up. "Underoos, listen. I think we need to get one thing straight before we go in. This is your home now. You are not going back to May, so don't ask."

Peter's head snapped up and he asked "Why did you do all this? Why did you get May in trouble? Have me removed from her guardianship?"

Tony smirked "I suppose it's okay for you to know now. Since we first met, I saw myself in you. I saw the potential in you and I saw that potential being wasted. You won't be able to succeed in the environment you were in! Constantly scrimping and saving, wearing scraps for clothes, living in a tiny apartment, using outdated technology. I could give you so much more! I can and will provide you with the life you deserve!"

Now Peter was angry. "There was nothing wrong with my life before! I certainly don't have scraps for clothes. Yes we were always saving, yes I had outdated technology but that's what normal people do, that's what they have! You don't understand! I was happy and you took that away from me!!!"

Tony's face darkened and he said "You'll adjust. I can provide everything you need and more"

Tony squeezed his eyes shut and said "I won't let you end up like me."

The man was clearly done talking and would provide no more explanation.

The two men again entrapped Peter in between them and walked into the building where FRIDAY greeted them. 

"Hello Boss, Forehead of Security, and Mini-boss"

Peter raised his eyebrows. Miniboss? 

Clearly Tony didn't care to explain because he led the trio straight into the penthouse and into the familiar living room. 

At one point, Happy left them, secure in the fact that Peter couldn't leave the building so easily. 

Peter had been there numerous times in the past, therefore he didn't need a tour. Tony quietly led Peter down the hall. They kept walking until they reached the very end of the hall.

Tony opened the door to reveal a huge bedroom, complete with a walk in closet and en suite bathroom. There was a king size bed in the middle of the room, a complete mahogany bed set, dresser, and desk. 

Peter, however, was wholly unimpressed. (on the outside. On the inside he was excited to have such a nice room) He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway. "This my room?"

Tony simply nodded and allowed him to go in. "It's been a busy day kid, why don't you take a nap?" 

Peter simply closed the door on the man. He certainly didn't want to associate himself with him. 

He laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. What is he gonna do now? 

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