Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

Earlier that same day------

Peter rushed off to school with Happy, leaving Tony in his dust, standing in the kitchen.

Tony didn't have time for teenage antics though, he had an empire to run, an heir to mold.

But he had a specific person to visit before he could do any of this. Tony got into his Audi R8 and drove to New York Penitentiary. Entering the prison and going through all the protocols, he finally reached the meeting room.

He sat at a table to come face to face with May Parker. The beautiful woman stared at him with a sneer on her face. With venom in her voice, she asked "What do you want?"

Tony looked at her unimpressed and said "If I were you, I would be nicer to the man that controls her nephew."

If it were possible, her sneer deepened. "You can't control Peter! He's too independent to take your crap lying down."

Deep down, he knew she was right, Peter was anything but under control.

Pushing that thought to the side, he said "Peter is better off with me, and you know that. He's too smart and won't thrive living with you. Having him with me has been a dream, he's finally mine."

May made a disgusted face. "Peter is his own person. He doesn't belong to anyone. The sooner you figure that out, the better."

Tony ignored her and said "He's too much like me to ignore. His smarts, his snark, his eyes, his hair. It's all mine and he's all mine" Tony got a dreamy look in his eye that May thought looked creepy and a little deranged.

May softened her tone and asked "Tony? What do you want with Peter?"

He looked at her and said "Haven't I made that clear? I want him as my son and heir. He's perfect. A mini Tony."

May said "He'll never be a mini you! He's too good to stoop down to your level!"

Tony inched his face closer to hers and whispered lowly "I finally have a son, a family, I'm not letting him go. Just accept it."

He didn't let her reply, he just walked away, allowing the guards to take her back to her cell.

All May kept thinking was "Why does Tony keep calling Peter mine?"

Tony left the Penitentiary happily. He talked to May and now it's time for lunch.

He stopped by his favorite shawarma place and briefly wondered if Peter would like the food. He'd have to bring the kid here once his tantrum is over.

Ugh, why must the kid fight him so much?

The thought brought a sinister smile to his face. Peter is a fighter, just like he was at that age. Boy, the kid is more like him than he thinks.

Briefly looking at the time, he noticed it was nearly 2 pm. He figured now would be a good time to get to SI and start on those plans.

He reached the tower in record time, meandered down to his seldom-used office, and turned to his computer.

If he wanted Peter to hold his own around those business sharks, he had to be exposed starting yesterday.

He pulled up the invitation for the "Underprivileged Children's Charity Gala" and stared at it. Stared at the children in the picture. One of these kids could've been Peter if he had left him in that hole in Queens.

Tony decided to bring Peter to this gala at the end of the month. The kid would do good to intermingle with his competitors and their children.

Sighing, Tony decided to go through the contracts Pep sent over for him to review.

The Boy Who Couldn't LeaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang