Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV

As soon as Peter stepped foot outside of his school, he breathed in the fresh air. His first true breath of fresh air since this whole nightmare started.

Ned and MJ tried not to look like they were staring, but they kind of were. Peter was looking like he was finally breathing, and in a way, he was.

The trio trekked off the school's property and towards the train station. 

Before they could walk down the stairs though, Peter's spider sense tingled. His head shot up and he looked around for danger. 

But no real danger was there. Only Eugene "Flash" Thomson. Peter narrowed his eyes and asked, "What are you doing Flash?" 

Flash scoffed and said, "I want to see what's so good to have you three cutting class for the first time."

MJ unapologetically asked, "What makes you think we want you with us?"

Flash shot back "What makes you think I won't go to Principal Morita about this?"

Peter growled out "Just let him come."

With that, the group of four hopped on the F train. In truth, the trio didn't know where to go. The entire trip was completely unplanned, so it's not like any research was involved. 

In the end, they were forced to consult Flash. 

When Peter explained what they wanted to do, Flash laughed out loud. "You losers want to find a bar? Why?"

Peter didn't want to go into his new family situation, so he said "It doesn't matter. We just need to find a place."

Flash led the way and 30 minutes later, he led the group to an arcade. "The place I usually go to doesn't open until 3 so we can hang here until then."

The trio didn't know how they felt about spending the day with Flash or why he was willing to spend the day with them if he hated them as much as he claims.

Before they could lament anymore, Flash walked off to the change machine and got coins for the games. 

The other teens shrugged and followed after. 

Flash Tompson was used to getting his way, he would be a bit mean and spout off his big mouth, but he never got physical, which is why they were willing to spend the day with him. They always got the feeling he was simply lonely.

Peter was just happy to get away from Tony, even if it was just one afternoon. 

Tony gave him money for lunch that morning, but he happily used that to play ski ball with Ned all day.  

The day went by with them playing games, and soon enough, 3 pm hit. Flash led the group to a bar down the street. They walked in to find it mostly empty, save for 3 people sitting on barstools. 

As they passed the bartender, Flash slipped him a $100 bill and the man let them go. 

Flash turned to see the three friends staring at him. He defensively snapped out "What!? I come here sometimes when things get too much."

No one said anything and Flash held up 4 fingers to indicate to the bartender they want 4 beers. 

When the drinks came, Ned turned to Peter and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He nodded back and said "No going back" and the four cracked open the beers with the opener provided. 

Ned said, "Just remember you don't have to drink, it's not you."

This had Flash perking up. "Wait what?! When you said you want to find a bar that serves minors, I thought you wanted to drink!"

Peter sighed and shook his head. "Ned's right, this isn't my scene. But let's just say I'm doing this is piss off my guardian."

Flash scoffed "Your aunt?"

He ignored Ned and MJ shaking their heads at him.

Peter replied, "No. I'm not with her anymore. I- I got adopted by someone else."

Peter could see the curiosity and a little concern on his face. Before he could answer, MJ chimed in "This is none of your business Eugene!"

A click went off in Flash's mind and he remembered he was supposed to be mean, even though he doesn't want to be.

MJ was sitting next to Peter. She grabbed his arm and put it around her shoulder and leaned into his side. The three boys stared at her in shock.

She rolled her eyes and indicated to the beers. "Pictures, remember?"

This had the boys jumping into gear. At this point, they had been here for nearly an hour and more people were rolling in. After all, it was Friday afternoon.

The music got louder and the group of four was actually having a good time. Whenever Peter laughed at a joke, Ned took pictures. He took pictures of Peter holding the beer too. 

This went on for quite a while. Eventually, they realized that the pictures had Peter with a full beer. The public would notice he wasn't drinking it. At first, he poured little by little into the plant next to him. 

A little voice in his head told him he was wasting the beer, so he had a sip, and another, and another. 

Before they knew it, Each one of them had 3 beers and the time was 7 pm. 

Peter didn't know how he was having such a good time with Flash.

Expect, he did know.

He wasn't being a jerk and was actually treating them like humans. Flash wasn't bad to be around when they weren't in a stressful academic environment.

Now, being first-time drinkers, Peter, Ned, and MJ were real lightweights. Peter had his spider metabolism, so he wasn't as affected as his friends, but it was still there.

The quad paid the bill and Peter helped MJ through the door while Flash took Ned.

Peter was surprised by his non-asshole behavior. 

Obviously, he wasn't tipsy because he drinks alcohol frequently, but he didn't have to help. He could've easily left.

When they were finally out the door, they sat Ned and MJ on a nearby bench to wait for the cab Peter called. In the meantime, Peter talked to Flash.

"Hey Flash thanks for helping out today."

Flash awkwardly rubbed his neck and said "It was whatever."

Peter wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking, but he said "My guardian, he's making life a little tough right now, so I wanted to get back at him by doing this. Long story short, he wants me as his heir, so I'm adopting his lifestyle from when he was my age, to annoy him." 

Flash wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking, but he said "My dad is the same. He only cares about having an heir, he doesn't care about me. He never paid attention to me growing up. I guess that's why I act the way that I do. I know it's not an excuse, but I'll leave you alone now. Hanging out today wasn't as bad as I thought, and I can see that you're going through stuff too."

A brief moment of understanding passed between the two. 

The cab wouldn't be there for another 5 minutes, so the four of them just sat there.

Four minutes until the cab comes.

Three minutes

Two minutes

One minute


A large figure landed right in front of where the four were sitting.

Peter stiffened and rolled his eyes.

Iron man.

The suit opened up and Tony Stark stepped out. He had a dark, foreboding look on his face. "What did you do?"

It didn't take Flash 5 seconds to make the connection. He began to splutter next to Peter, looking at him in question.

Peter turned to face Flash with a rueful expression on his face. "Surprise"

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