Chapter 13

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Tony slowly breathed in and out deeply, forcing himself to ignore the acrid stench of vomit.

It wouldn't do to lash out at the puking kid in public. So instead, he placed a comforting hand on his back and rubbed, meanwhile trying to rub this memory from his brain.

When it looked like the kid was finally done, he said "Let's go home."

Tony wrapped the suit around his body and carefully held Peter in his arms, flying the both of them to the tower.

Peter was incoherent the entire time and Tony couldn't help but shake his head at his kid. What was he thinking? Tony knew he taught Peter better than that in the 6 months they've known each other.

Upon entering the doors of the tower, Pepper came rushing out in time to see Peter curl up on the couch.  "Oh my gosh, Tony! What happened to him?!"

Tony frowned and said "The kid here decided to ditch school and go drinking with his friends."

Pepper leaned down and petted his hair affectionately. "Poor baby."

Despite the anger he was feeling, most of it melted away when Tony saw Pepper's maternal side. What a great mother she'll be.


Peter opened his eyes, but had to shut them quickly as he felt a pounding headache. He groaned and tried to sit up.

"Ugh. What the hell?"

Then the previous night came flashing back. All the beers he had to drink coming back to haunt him. The conversation he had with Flash. TONY COMING TO PICK HIM UP!

Crap! He puked on Tony. 

But somehow, he couldn't really bring himself to care that much about that part.

He stumbled over to the cabinet in his bathroom and took a handful on pain reliever. His fast metabolism would burn through the regular amount, so he had to take much more.

Drinking a glass of water, he laid back down until the headache subsided enough for him to pick up his phone.

Tons of notifications came through from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and a bunch of news programs.

"Mini Stark's Night Out"

"Peter Stark Following his Father's Footsteps"

"Stark Jr. Underage Drinking"

Headlines were all over his screen along with the pictures from the night before and Peter couldn't help but smile. An heir is what he wanted, and heir is what he got. Wait until Tony sees this.

He finally left his bed and went to take a shower and freshen up. When he finished getting ready, Peter noticed it was 7:20 am which meant he had enough time to eat quickly and head to school.

Before he could leave though, his room door barged open and Tony stood there in all his glory. 

"Rough morning, Underoos?"

Peter rolled his eyes and said "I'm completely fine. Puking definitely helped."

Tony's eyes narrowed at the reminder and he said "We don't have enough time now, but you come straight home after school. And you WILL go to school. We have a lot to talk about, young man."

Peter gave a mock salute, but as he was leaving, Tony grabbed his arm and said "I don't know what's gotten into you, but this isn't the Peter I know."

Peter pulled his arm away and replied "And you aren't the Tony I know."

The Boy Who Couldn't LeaveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin