Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Peter loved being the friendly neighborhood Spider- Man. He got to swing around Queens, save cats from trees, help old ladies cross the street and stop the occasional robbery. 

All was good. He even got to give directions a few times. The citizen of Queens loved him! So much so, that they were constantly on the lookout for him!

So one Friday, after Peter left school for his Stark Internship, he decided to take a quick detour as Spider-Man before going to the Avengers Tower. Now, he didn't intend on spending too long, just for a little while. He wanted to just clear his head and save a few cats. 

He usually got out of school at 2:30 and Happy Hogan usually picked him up, (Mr. Stark insisted that he not waste his valuable time traveling in the subway), but he somehow convinced Tony to let him take the subway this time. 

Mr. Stark had become increasingly protective of Peter in the little time they knew each other. If Peter wasn't so blinded by finally having a father-figure, he would've been weirded out. 

So Peter threw on his Spider-Man suit, left his bag in an alleyway and began webbing through the streets. 

He helped a group of girls find their way, stopped a petty thief, and helped an old man with his groceries. Things were going well. That is, until a group of men holding guns decided to rob a bank.

Peter jumped into action! They surrounded him, pointing their guns at him. One said "It's that stupid spider!" The one next to him tried to shoot him, but Peter quickly webbed the gun away and stuck him to the wall. 

He managed to web up 3 of the 4 men in the same way, but before he could get the fourth guy, a gun went off and Peter felt a red-hot burn in his shoulder. 

He tried to shake off the feeling as best as he could before making sure the police got there to arrest the robbers. 

When Peter was finally able to get away, he stumbled into the same alleyway and watched in horror as the bullet stuck in his shoulder bled profusely.


If Tony Stark ever regretted anything in life, it was allowing Peter to travel to SI by himself. He KNEW that the boy tended to get sidetracked, but this.....this was something else. 

Tony would never call himself overprotective or possessive, but he just had to intervene when Peter found himself lost one too many times in Manhattan. 

When Happy called him and told him the kid wanted to stop for a sandwich, he said fine, but then Happy called back and said he couldn't find the kid anywhere! 

When the two finally found themselves back at the tower, Tony demanded to know where he went. Peter said "Well I stopped at a bodega for a sandwich, but then I saw this really awesome C3PO replica in a shop window, Mr. Stark! It was so cool! It had-"

Tony cut him off and said "Kid, listen. You can't just run off from Happy like that! DO you know what could happen to a young kid like you in this city?!"

If Peter could have noticed the dark look that momentarily passed over Mr. Stark's eyes, it would've saved him from what would happen later. 

Peter crossed him arms and said "Mr. Stark, I appreciate the concern, but I'm 14. I don't need a babysitter.

Tony shook the memory from his head and stared down at the watch he had been working on for the past couple weeks, since he met Peter. It was a prototype and the only one that would be available. 

Yeah, it's a watch. Also, it has a tracking chip, a phone, biometrics scan to keep track of Peter's vitals, and an AI is built in as well. 

The biometrics scan would constantly keep track of Peter's vitals and would contact him as soon as anything was amiss! He knew the kid would be against it if he just gave him the watch, so Tony made it non-removable. 

He wanted to wait to show the watch to Peter, but not knowing his future heir's whereabouts made him uneasy. Yes, he said future heir. Peter Parker reminded Tony too much of himself to let slip through the cracks. No. He would make sure the kid wouldn't end up like him.

Now all Tony could do was wait anxiously for the kid to arrive. He would give him the watch, allow him to go home, then put his plan into action. 

The plan? Make Peter all his.

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