Chapter Six

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(First Person)

I watch as Kenny walks around the mall , seemingly amazed by how different it was. I mean it wasn't really that different from what he's always seen in his mall but I guess it amazed him to be in a mall from another dimension.

"So which store you wanna get some clothes to? Not too expensive of course!" I said to Kenny as I held onto my purse

Kenny looked back at you before looking around again. "What about there? H&M ?" He asked as he pointed to the store. I nodded . Before we both walked towards the bright store.


When we got out half an hour later , we had four bags , Kenny had two big ones and I had a small one and a big one. Some contained undergarments and some contained normal clothes and pj's  .

"Alright? Are we done there? Or do you need something else?" I asked as I looked at him with a smile as we walked towards the small fountain in the middle of the mall.

"Mh...well I might need a few hygiene products? Like soap and stuff like that? You know?" He said with a small shrug , I could see he wasn't that comfortable with asking me to buy things for him. But I shrugged it off. Knowing it made me happy to help him.

"Alright then let's go find those." I said before going back to walking.

He finally found a good store . When we stepped inside , Kenny went alone while I looked at a few makeup products. Cute blush! I though as I looked at some of the products. At the end I decided to buy three of them. Lash glue , lash extensions and a matte dark red lipstick. I went back to look around for Kenny around the aisle. Until I saw him crouching down and looking intensely at some products, I got closer and looked at what he was staring at .

My interested gaze turns into one of annoyances as I see he's staring at lube , he takes one in his hand and looks at it hesitantly. I sigh and cough to make him notice I'm behind him. I look at him with slight disappointment.

"Oh- Y/n I found some shampoo and soap , will this be fine?" He says after quickly putting back the lube as he stands up and shows me the two products, I look at them and smile . "Perfect! You'll smell great with that." I said with a playful tone. He mocks me by repeating what I said in a dumb voice as he walked out of the aisle toward the cashier. I laughed before looking back down at the lube. I sigh before grabbing one of them and putting it in my little basket with the makeup.

When we arrive at the counter , I look at Kenny and smile. "Leave the items here , I'll join you outside." I said with a smile as I grabbed the shampoo and soap from him. He shrugged and nodded before walking out . I sigh before placing the shampoo, soap , makeup and lube on the sliding thingy. The cashier looks at me with an intrigued expression. I smile awkwardly as she scans the items.

After paying, I get out and walk towards Kenny with the small bag in hand. After this , we walked back to my apartment, which wasn't far away from  the mall.

When we got home , I gave the bags that belonged to Kenny to him and he started unpacking everything on the coffee table. While I took my makeup and went to store it into my room.


I opened the bag with boxers first , then the pj's then the pants and shirts , then the jackets and sweaters . She really had a big heart... How could she do this for someone she just met?...I won't even be able to ever repay her...but still I am so grateful to have found her. If I didn't then I could have been still sleeping on the streets...

I sigh as I stop thinking about it and open the bag of higyene products..and I see the lube I was looking at before. I didn't put it on the counter? Did she?...I smile and chuckle at the thought of it.
Yeah I am grateful that's for sure...

Hehe tiny update

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