Sakura saw the sign and the compound and her eyes widened. She looked at Sasuke with big eyes, her lips parted.

"Is he really going to take me in there?!"
Sakura thought, observing the silent Uchiha that stared at the entrance of the compound before walking to it.

Sakura hesitated at first before following him. Her heart slightly started to race as she put one step into the compound, then another. She started to walk beside Sasuke as they walked through the compound. Old houses and buildings stood with old dust and cobwebs on the corner of the roofs.

Sasuke jerked to a stop in front of a large building. The building had windows that led up to a big sign of a shuriken with the Uchiha sign in the center of it. It was a tall building, pretty big one. Sakura looked up at the shuriken before looking at Sasuke.


Sasuke's bangs covered the side of his face as he silently looked up at the building. Then he began to softly speak.

"This used to be building for the police force.."

He said, causing Sakura's eyes to soften. Sasuke then hesitated at first before turning and walking down the path a little more.

Sakura met more buildings and houses that looked very old and dusty. They then both stopped at a particular house that didn't look very old in contrast to the other houses.

It actually looked slightly clean. Yes, there was a little dust here and there but it seemed like the house has been cleaned a couple of months back. Like someone came here and touched up all the dust and cobwebs that used to be there.

Sakura could see Sasuke lower his head slightly before opening the door to the house. The house had a step for you to sit on and take off your shoes before going in. And there was a door right beside stairs that led all the way up to the second floor.

When Sakura quickly glanced at the door, she saw a kitchen inside, perhaps a dining table as well. Sasuke took off his shoes when he stepped inside, then glanced at Sakura, waiting for her to do the same. The floor seemed clean, no dust or anything. I mean, it's still a house so Sakura couldn't see why not to take off her shoes.

So she did pretty quickly and stepped beside Sasuke, only to see him vanish through the door. Sakura followed him almost immediately and they were both met by a kitchen and table, a door that led to the backyard too.

Sakura looked at Sasuke again to see how he was, how he was feeling, if he was showing it at all. And it seemed to Sakura that he wasn't hiding anything. She couldn't see his eyes but the way Sasuke thinned his lips into a straight line, gave her enough picture that he was slightly struggling going back here again.

"I remember all the dinners I had with my family here. It was cheerful. For me at least."
Sasuke said quietly.

Sakura leaned forward slightly to take a glance at his full face. When she saw his eyes, she saw that they were soft, and lowered. Sakura was about to speak before she was interrupted by the sight of Sasuke leaving the kitchen immediately and going in the backyard.

Sakura catched up to him and saw him walk down a path beside the house, a tiny pathway of water was passing beautifully along the side of the old building. But Sakura immediately stopped thinking about the path of water when Sasuke froze in front of two doors.

His breath got hitched into his throat, according to Sakuras hearing, and he took a hesitant step forward, according to Sakuras vision.

He softly brushed his fingers along the surface of the door, before touching its handle with the tip of his finger. Sakura was kind of confused. Why was he so....scared? Or hesitant, at least.

"Sasuke...what is it?"
She asked, solemnly curious for the black haired Uchiha. Sasuke's body slightly jerked back before his bangs falled naturally onto the sides of his head.

"That night...I walked in and saw my parents in this room, lying dead..on the floor."
Sasuke's voice was low but shaky.

Sakuras eyes widen and she looked back at the doors, imagining the horrible view that Sasuke had to suffer that night. Sakura softly brushed her fingers inside of Sasuke's palm, urging for him to relax his hand so she can slip her hand in his.

But Sasuke just pulled back and walked away, going down the path along the house.

She said, following him.

They both walked on a dock and stopped there. Sasuke didn't lift his gaze from the water that swayed under him, under the dock he had such memories with.

"I learned my fireball jutsu here. I failed at first and my father was disappointed. So I kept trying. I tried and tried till the corners of my lips hurt, hurt enough that my mother...had to put small bandages on my face, to heal the burnt streaks.."

Sakura listened intently on his words, looking at him the entire time.

"I finally completed the jutsu and I showed my father. He was silent at first. It made me sad. Until he showed me his approval. I was so happy. I was so..proud."

Sasuke said, a tear falling down his cheek. Sakuras eyes lowered and softened, looking at the water.

"Sasuke-Kun...Why did you bring me here?"

Sasuke was silent before he answered, but he took a breath before starting to speak.

"Because this is a huge part of my past and personal life...And I want you to know it, to see it. Because it's something that's a big part of me. And I guess...I just want you to know it because... you are also important to me, Sakura."

Sakuras eyes widened to his confession, and she took a step closer to him as he spoke.

"I want you to know this because you're a big part of me as well. And I want you to know more about me than you ever did...And this is one of the steps. I also brung you here to show you just how much I want you in my life..."

Sasuke finally lifted his gaze at her, his obsidian eyes deep and searching for understanding.

"I'm sorry, Sakura.."

Sakuras heart raced faster than ever, she has never expected in her entire life that Sasuke would confess such a deep truth about him. Her heart leapt with joy as she smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder as she swiped Sasuke's tear from his cheek, with the side of her finger.

"Sasuke-Kun...I have already forgiven you a long time ago.."

She said, smiling at him. Sasuke smiled back, giving her a full on, warm smile to her as he accepted her touch.

A slight blush appeared on Sakuras face as she stood on her tip toes to reach high enough to plant a kiss onto his cheek.

The soft lips that brushed against Sasuke's skin made his heart skip a beat, his cheeks filling up with a red color as he blushed hard, feeling her body heat against his body as she let herself press against him.

Sasuke's body's tensed but then relaxed almost after. Sakura smiled at him and then stretched out her arms to give him a big, warm hug. Sasuke slouched down only slightly to hug her back, accepting the warm embrace that Sakura has given him.

The Mission: The HotelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя