Chapter 15

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Naruto looks at Sasuke like he came back from the dead.
"I thought you were on a mission with Sakura!"
"I am. I thought Kakashi was trying to keep that from you."

Naruto laughs, closing his eyes and rubbing the back of his head.
"Kakashi-Sensei can't keep anything from me! Im too smart!"

Sasuke rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Listen I..."
Sasuke hesitates, as Naruto tilts his head to the side.

"I need"
"My help?"
"For what, Bastard?"

Sasuke looks away, looking down the path as an excuse to break eye contact, or maybe so Naruto wouldn't see the blush on his cheeks.

"You see, the whole goal of the mission that me and Sakura have is to help this lady make a deal with some dude at her hotel. And you see, Sakura and I are acting like...a married couple."
"Shhh! Calm down!"

Sasuke said urgently, waving his hands down as a gesture for Naruto to lower the volume. Naruto scratches his head.

"Okay, okay I'm calm, bastard. Now what is that you needed help from me?"
Naruto then smirks.
"What? You don't know how to be a decent husband?"

"First of all, that's not the case. Second of all, I'm doing fine on my own in that department. And third, I need your help for one single thing in this mission."

Naruto jumped slightly. "Okay just tell me!"
Sasuke clenched his fists at his sides and he closed his eyes, clenching them tight before opening them again.

"I need help getting a ring."

Naruto was quiet at first, before he grinned.
"Wow, you doing fine on your own by being a decent husband and you can't even buy a ring for her by yourself. Yeah you're toootally skilled at being a husband."

He said, earning a roll of the eye from Sasuke as he heard Naruto's words dripping in sarcasm.
"Whatever loser can you just please help me?"

Naruto put a hand on his hip.
"Sure. As you know, I am *clears throat* pretty good at being a lady's man."

He said, fixing his messy hair and fixing the collar of his shirt. Sasukes eyebrow twitched and he grabbed Naruto's shoulder.

"Naruto. No you are not."
Naruto pushed his hand away.

"Okay, okay whatever! Let me just go get ready!"
Naruto said, walking deeper into his apartment and coming back with his usual orange ninja outfit and his hair spiked up with a ninja headband holding it in place.

Naruto then leaped off of the balcony, Sasuke followed him as they soon then arrived at the jewelry store.


Naruto was wowed by the shiny stuff as his eyes were tracked on a specific one. Naruto then pointed to one with a blue crystal.

"What about that one Sasuke?"
"Doesn't match her."
"What about that orange one?"
"Okay, ummmmm...ooh! What about that whitish one?"
"No it's too...tacky."
"This one?"
"Too small."
"This one?"
"Too big."
"This one?"
"OKAY! What about...this one. Heh? Hehh?"

Sasuke looked around as Naruto groaned in annoyance. His eyes locked on a small one with a small ruby on it. Sasuke approached it to take a closer look. It shined in the light at it reflected a bright red color. Naruto peaked from Sasukes shoulder.

"That one?"
"...yeah, that one."

Sasuke then looked at the pretty lady who worked at the store.
"We'll take this one."

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