The service snake

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Third, POV

Throughout the night, Loki, Harley and Ivy sit discussing how they were going to make the service animal work for Peter they came up with that Loki will be transforming into his snake form will be a PTSD, panic, attack and stress relieving support animal.

Whenever Peter gets stressed, Loki will calm him with his magic, but to everyone else it'll look as if he is just slithering over Peter's shoulders and calming him down For panic attacks, Loki will use his magic again to calm Peter's breathing so that he's not at risk from passing out to everyone else.

It'll look as if he's circulating Peter's pulse points, Trying to make Peter realise that like hey you need to calm down and for PTSD. Loki will use his magic to lessen the effects that it has on Peter's head when they happen, but in reality, he will be circling around Peter's head, neck and shoulders to distract him.

Meanwhile Peter lays in his bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking of aunt May, MJ, Ned, Mr. Stark, and all the other avengers. He left on the battlefield, Peter hopes that he will be able to move on. He knows that his aunt may is with his parents and uncle Ben, but he hopes that MJ and Ned, some of his best friends in the world will be able to carry on without him, he hopes happy is able to take care of Mr. Stark. Remind him to eat, sleep and not drink himself to death like he knows Mr. Stark would do. As the night turns to morning. Peter started to awake

POV Peter

As my eyes start, flutter open after a decent night's sleep I go over everything that has happened in the past day and I jump up with a start Mr. Loki here I rush to get dressed brush, my teeth, comb my hair, and I grab my hoodie on the way down As I walk into the kitchen, and I'm greeted by the site before me, I can practically see the steam coming from Mr. Loki's ears as he tries to figure out how to use the waffle maker. Now, in all actuality, he could just use his magic, but I don't think That he's really using his head right now as I take my seat at the table with Mr. Loki, aunt Harley, and auntie blossom. All join me and auntie blossom slid something towards me.

I pick up the piece of paper as aunt Harley, and Mr. Loki made my food for this morning. Looking at the paper it is registered as a service animal for me. "What is this?" "Well kiddo we know that you get panic attacks and that it's really no hard to get you out of them so your buddy Loki here came up with a really good idea he is going to use his powers to transform into a snake And he will be your service animal" Harley spoke in a very excited voice.

I pause to take in and process what has just been said to me Mr. Loki is going to be my service animal and his snake form as I'm processing this going through my mind. All I can think about is the conversation Mr. Stark had with me all that time ago About how I should consider getting a dog. Now these are the third people to approach me with the idea of getting a service animal. I finally start to see that yes I think I might need one to come out of my mind and focus back to what's happening around me, I can see Miss Harley and Blossom and Mr. Loki looked at me nervously so I mustered up all my courage and responded. "If you guys think that would be best then let's do it."

As we went through our morning routine, teaching Mr. Loki along the way, auntie Harley reminded me of the time and told me I should start getting ready for my internship as I finish up my delicious waffles that Mr. Loki made for me. I go and put my plate in the dishwasher And give Auntie Harley and Aunt Blossom a hug I would have given Mr. Loki a hug, but I don't know if he's comfortable with it, so I just decided not to as I rushed up the stairs and into my room. I grab the clothes that aunt blossom set out for me and head into the bathroom after a quick shower. Being careful of my arm I dry myself off, brush my teeth, dry my hair and get changed as I'm heading out of the bathroom. I realised I can't find my hoodie anywhere so I called down the stairs. "Hey, has anyone seen my hoodie?"

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