So It Begins

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POV Peter

I rushed into the building and up to the front desk. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I didn't, I didn't mean to, I just... I woke up a little late and then I had to finish breakfast because my aunts were forcing me to and then I couldn't find a ride to get here, so I kind of ran" the lady interrupted me saying "oh no no no it's ok were used to our interns being like an hour or more late"

That made me so relieved I let out a mental sigh and my body relaxed, "so what is your name?" "Peter Parker?" "I'm sorry that doesn't seem to be registering" "Oh sorry sorry yeah Peter Parker Quinn." "Oh yes there you are Mr. Parker Quinn" "please just just Peter or Parker whichever one's easier"

"ok Mr.Parker this is your badge it'll give you access to the top 16 floors which are all labs and our computers. It'll give you free food from our cafeteria for your lunches and I'll grant you access to the building entrance doors, elevators and bathrooms." "Thank you so much. What floor am I to go to to get started?"

"Oh you will be starting on the 34th floor there you will find your supervisor if you do a well enough job, please note you will be promoted and could wind up working just under the Waynes. If you do a fantabulous job"

I thank the nice desk lady and head into the elevator. As I make my way out of the elevator after arriving at my floor, I see a bunch of desks and computers, sitting all around me. I had up to the biggest desk to ask where I could find the manager. The guy points me in the direction of this big office that I did not see when I first looked around.

As I head to the office door, I can hear someone cursing at something and something falling over.

I knock on the door, and I hear a low, feminine voice telling me to come in as I open the door and walk in, I can see a woman who looks about 32 with a face full of makeup that just screams to pick me.

I close the door and sit in the chair that is set out in front of the desk. "Hello my name is Karen you refer to me as Miss Jefferson And I will be our supervisor name and what you're here to do" "Ahhhh... Hi... My name is Peter Parker and I am a new intern here" "Well, Mr. Parker, what do you specialise in?" "Oh mostly I like engineering and kind computer and science stuff."

"ok then I will assign you your desk and get someone to show it to you. Please note that as the newest intern one of your main jobs will be to bring coffee for the entire floor." "oooh ok I can do that. I'll just need a list of everyone's orders and where everyone likes that coffee from best so I can find someplace that's relevant to the most places that people like in common."

I start rambling about how I can make an algorithm so that I can memorise the orders and have them already in place that I can just go and pick them up and my brain starts figuring out a way that I computer systems that I can carry all the coffee cup without spilling any of them

"Mr. Parker please stop with that, mumbling and get out of my office" I hear Miss Jefferson bark at me. "Matthews will be waiting for you outside. Good day please note I expect my coffee tomorrow morning piping hot. It is a medium, double shot of espresso with oat milk,not just milk. It's oat milk and sugar free." That is the last thing I hear as she slammed the door on my face.

I stand frozen in shock for a good minute before I sensed someone coming up behind me as I turned around. I can see a man probably just a couple years older than I, standing there with crossed arms and an amused look on his face. This must be the Matthew that Miss Jefferson was talking about.

"So you just had to deal with Karen didn't you?" He says as if reading my mind "yeah is she always like that?" "Yeah, you just got used to her. I am Matthew by the way and I will be showing you to your desk" "Hi Matthew, I'm Peter, thank you for doing this and do you happen to know what everyone's coffee order is?"

"Yeah why?" "oh cause Miss Jefferson has asked me to get coffee for the entire floor." "Oh she assigned you to do that damn I feel sorry for you man" "no no no it's ok, it's my first day I understand it like I'm a new intern like I got I gotta prove myself"

I start mumbling to myself about how I have to prove my worth before I can actually be given more worthwhile jobs. Matthew just looks at me unamused as if I'm spewing the most bullshit thing he's ever heard, as we make our way to where my desk is, I can see that it is a somewhat decent set up. I have quite a bit of work space.

There is a computer with two different monitors and I have three nice poster-like walls that surround me on all sides except for the side where my back faces. I could probably get used to this, I can pick up a couple ideas on the walls, Have sticky notes all over.

yeah, I'm picturing a good setup here I turn and thank Matthew for showing me where my desk is and ask him if he is willing to give me a list of what everyone likes as coffee and where they all sit "yeah sure man totally everyone here is really nice and we don't really like Karen but we all have to deal with her since like she's one of the higher-ups and according to her she's good friends with Bruce".

The way he says it makes me think that none of them actually believe her but they're too scared to say something in case it's actually true, as Matthew Leaves I settle down at my desk and start figuring out what I'm going to work on first.

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