The Spider and The Black Cat

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POV Peter

As I rush through the streets of Gotham weaving between other pedestrians I can finally see the entrance to Wayne tower. I finally found the main entrance after trying 3 different sides which made me even later than I already was.

I rush up the steps to the doors not paying attention to anything happening around me. Now in all honesty I probably should be paying attention to my surroundings but right now my mind is more focused on if I closed my window this morning, loki I don't want to go into a hibernating state when I get home it took three days to get me out of the last one, I do NOT need that experience again.

All of a sudden I find myself on the floor, left arm first with a barely concealed wince. When it hit the floor I heard a grunt from next to me and looked over to find a teen who looks about a year younger than me, sprawled out a couple feet from me.

I hear barely contained chuckling come from behind me, then the boy with startling blue eyes starts grumbling while the man doesn't attempt to conceal his laughter any more.

POV Bruce W

As damian and I are walking into wayne tower I see out of the corner of my eye damian fall forward onto the floor with a young brown haired boy, I give a snort then place my hand over my mouth to contain my chuckling.

As the boy gets up and reaches out a hand to help Damian up I can see him panicking and hear him apologising profusely. Damian then grumbles "Father, what are you laughing about?" "nothing Damian I am sorry"

POV Damian

Who is this idiot that just ran into me, why in the world did this person not see where they were going and not see that they were about to run into me? Why in the world is father thinking this is so hilarious honestly, you would think father would have more composure, seeing as we are about to enter HIS company.

As the insolent fool starts bumbling and stumbling out panicked apologies, my only thought process is why is there this strange feeling coursing through my body and why does it seem to spike whenever I make eye contact with this boy. The boy seemed to freeze as we held eye contact for more than a few seconds. The longer we held eye contact the more I could feel something change.

At first I thought it was something in me but realised it was all around me. I do not know what this sensation is or why it's happening. I will have to ask Pennyworth when I get home and if he does not know I must conduct my own research.

As we broke eye contact I notice that father had left and entered the building without me. I gave a curt nod to the boy who is still stumbling out apologies, and followed father into the building.

POV Peter

As I reach out my hand to help the boy with the brilliant blue eyes up, I can see the resemblance between him, and the man standing a little ways away. My body acts without my mind thinking, and I start stumbling out. Many apologies trust me, I realise that it was my fault. My fault because my head was not in the right place at the right time. I should've been paying more attention to my surroundings, but I didn't.

I can't change that now, but I will continue apologising until he tells me to stop, we made eye Contact a few times, but this last time we held it for way more than just a few seconds the longer we held eye Contact the more I could feel my senses telling me something was happening, but that it wasn't a danger to me so I kind of just brushed it off.

The more I look into his eyes the more I see they are like a combination of an ice blue sapphire and sky blue all blended together in this beautiful kaleidoscope of blues with a gorgeous gradient that goes from the outside in. When I finally come back to myself, I realise that I am now standing by myself, mumbling to myself. I shake my head to get myself back into the game, look down at my watch and see that I am now 15 minutes behind.

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