The emotional support snek

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POV Peter

As I approach the Alley where the light and the voice had come from, I get the feeling that this is someone familiar, but just from hearing their voice, I can't be totally certain as I finally enter the Allie my senses adjust, and I can finally see who it is It's Mr. Loki. I run up and attack him into a hug and all I can hear is

"What mortal dares to Try and hug me. Oh Stark son! It's just you" "Mr. Loki. I'm not Stark's son ""Oh my apologies Roger son then ""no, not that either ""Banner son?" "No I am not Mr. Banner son" "Odin's son?" "No, I'm not Thor's kid either" "Loki's son!?!" "Mr. Loki. I am Parker's son." "Oh well that's quite disappointing. It doesn't matter anyway, you're my favourite mortal now, where are we?" "Well, Mr. Loki, we're in a different dimension" "What?" "Yeah so this is Gotham and they have vigilante heroes" "You mean like the Avengers?"

"Kinda except there is this thing called the justice league, but they don't all operate in the same city" "So they all have different cities they protect on their own" "Yeah that's kind of exactly it, the person who protects this city is Batman and his partners are all these different birds." "He has birds as his partners?" "No no no no n.... it's just their names are named after birds ""Oh ok that makes sense." "Mr. Loki, do you wanna come with me back to where I'm staying?"

"Well considering you are the only being in this universe I tolerate, I feel that would probably be the best option" "Oh,aunt Harley is gonna love you" "who is Harley?" "Well, auntie Harley found me after a bright white light and just kind of picked me up and brought me to her house where I met blossom who oh she's Harley's girlfriend. Her name is actually Ivy, but I call her blossom and so does aunt Harley. Anyways back to my left arm, it was almost completely destroyed just bone and muscle but my muscles were shredded, and so they were trying to ask me what had happened and then the door busted down and came this demented clown"

"So let me get this straight, you were kidnapped by two women. Your left arm is mostly destroyed and you were attacked by a demented clown. Do I have that all right?" "Yeah pretty much and then I kinda just went off instinct and I started attacking the clown" "You what?" "Yeah so my spider instincts kinda just took over and I started acting like a spider and the demented clown started screaming saying he'll go back to Arkham just get me away from this freak" "Who dares my favourite mortal freak!"

"It's ok Mr. Loki. He's back in jail now" "He deserves worse than jail. He deserves death" "Mr. Loki. We don't kill people."" Oh yes, I'm sorry I forgot Parker-son." "It's all right, Mr. Loki, It's so nice to see a familiar face that I didn't have to meet just a couple months ago." Seeing Mr. Loki really brought my hopes up. I may be able to see Mr. Stark again anyways as I take Mr. Loki to auntie Harley's place. He seems to be looking for escape routes no matter where we go. I mean it's understandable, but I wish he would finally feel safe enough that he didn't have to. As I open the door,

I very loudly announce to auntie Harley, aunt Blossom there's someone from my universe who's here "Munchkin, who is it? I hope it's one of your friends. "Technically speaking Mr. Loki is my friend but I'm not sure if he considers us friends. "Mr. Loki this is auntie Harley, auntie Harley this is Mr. Loki. He's a God" "Oh are you really sugar?" "Yes mortal" "Well then it's wonderful to meet you" "Harley what's going on now?" "Aunt Blossom, auntie Harley's, just talking to Mr. Loki. He's a god for my universe." "Oh, so you found someone else, you must feel relieved to have a somewhat familiar face from your past."

"Yeah, it is really nice. It gives me hope that I might see Mr. Stark again" "Well, I can understand that." "You have to tell us how your internship went, I noticed that you didn't pack lunch, I'm hoping they provided you with one." "For the last time they provided me with lunch. I had three pieces of pizza and two chicken legs and fries."

POV Loki

As the Spiderling mortal shows me into his house and introduces me to his aunt like figures, I can't help, but feel a bit overprotective of him now, in my mind, I can somewhat pinpointed on the fact that he is one of the only mortals who actually respects me and understands that it wasn't my fault for the battle of Manhattan. But this is a deeper feeling; it's like my magic is aching to ensure he's protected. His aunt figures seem interesting to say the least.

I can tell that one has some elemental type powers, and the other has some weird toxins in her blood. I sort of zone out in my own thoughts till I feel the Spiderling-Child grab my hand and pull me up the stairs. "Come on, Mr. Loki. I'll show you your room." He says it with such wonder and excitement that makes me feel warm inside now that I'm thinking about it. My magic has been off since arriving here as the spider child shows me to my room and tells me where I can find more dressing cloaks.

He leaves me to get settled in saying he'll see me in the morning and if I need anything he is across the hall. Now that I am finally by myself, I take the time to look over myself mentally, and physically trying to determine why my magic feels off as I'm looking around my body. I see a strange mark. On my right forearm it's a grey scale M in a weird scripture. I don't really have an idea of what it might be, but I will have to ask the mortals that the Spiderling Child is staying with if they have any idea. As I get myself ready to head to sleep, the protectiveness feeling sort of takes hold of me.

I feel as though it's telling me it does not want to leave the spiderling Child by himself. Spiderling Child has been through so much. There must be some PTSD, or panic attack. I head downstairs hearing two female mortals talking in the kitchen. As I entered they both sat down and looked at me. "I was wondering if there was a way I could join the spider-ling when he goes to his internship you called it" The one with the three different colours of hair answers "Well sugar there isn't really a way you could go with him Wayne tech is pretty high on security, so many break-ins happen that they kinda have to be"

She does make a good point "What if I were to be a what do you mortals call it a service animal to the spider" "And how would you manage that?" The other mortal asks "Well you see, I have the power to shape shift. Perhaps we can make a fake service animal certificate, or something like that. That way I can go with the child and if he has a panic attack or PTSD episode, I can be there to calm him down. Of course, in my animal form, I will be using my magic to calm him down, which would work better than any service animal you could get."

Oh blossom, doesn't just work out great. We were thinking about getting a PTSD service animal. We just couldn't decide which animal he'd want" "Well then this works out perfectly, if you can acquire one of those certificate things stating that he has a service animal that is a snake preferably by tomorrow morning would be brilliant" "A snake out of all animals. You're choosing a snake." "It is the animal I am most comfortable being in for multiple hours at a time" "That's understandable. We should be able to get a service animal certificate by tomorrow morning so you can join Peter"

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