Soulmark and Soulmates an explanation.

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Soulmarks appear on your body either at birth or when your soulmate is born, the mark, it's self will be a representation of what your soulmate will be like when they are in adult it can be anywhere on your body in obvious places or in not obvious places they can be big, or they can be small, but as history has recorded, they have all been on the larger size of the scale .

Please note that the Soulmark on your body will be fully blacked out and covered to where you cannot see any definite shape if your soulmate is not born yet or dead. When you first have skin to skin contact with your soulmate, your soulmark will gain colour.

If you had just met them you will get a fuzzy feeling and you will feel the air shift around you as the universe connects your souls together you will feel a constant pull towards your soulmate. Once you have met, spoken, locked eyes, etc. and the pole will not see this until you make skin to skin contact and then you will be able to feel the emotion of your soulmate.

Authors note

OK, so the authors here just wanted to give a bit more of an explanation on soulmates and soul marks, and how they affect the different characters in our book. Peter was supposed to be born into the DC universe, which is why he has always had his marks, but they have been covered up fully black, and he could not see the distinct outline of them.

But all other Marvel characters are just being brought in to the DC universe from the Marvel universe of which they were supposed to be in so they do not receive their soul marks until they arrive in the DC universe please note that for Peter soulmates ever since they've been born they have had full black out, indistinguishable marks.

because in their universe he is not born yet even though he should have been so they've all thought that he is dead, of course aside from Connor who hasn't had it explained to him. Damien has thought, and been told that Talia and the league have killed his soulmate so he is not fully aware of what is happening because his whole belief is that his soulmate is dead and he will never meet them.

So that is why in the previous chapter he exclaims so un-Damian like in surprise. When soulmates meet, there will be a fuzzy feeling that happens around them. That is the universe or infinity stones that are trying to pull the soulmates together, so that they may create and complete the bond. When they touch skin on skin contact is when the mark will gain colour for the first time so Damian's mark is uncovered but black and white.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are sorry when we were setting up the automatic updates we didnt think about how this wasn't actualy a chapter. We will try our best to not have this happen again, please take the next chapter as an apologie.- Kayva authors

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