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10:32, Tuesday

8th December 1992

It hadn't been long since Uncle locked me in my room. I had only then tried to realise properly what they did to Dmitri. I had to intake Uncle's words too him in.


Permanent.. huh. I remember standing up on the gurney, pushing aside the safari mobile hanging above my head to reach the dusty shelves. My eyes scanned through the mass of books, old stuffed animals and mysterious jars with smudged labels. And there it was, a dictionary. The only dictionary in the patient's ward here. 

I didn't smile with glee, no. I sighed with relief— I mean come on who is actually going to smile? I slumped down onto the bed with a huff, leaning on the pillows as I thoroughly searched through the large book for the word, permanent.

Whilst searching, I came across words circled messily with a red pen; and to the side little marks with Initials. Most of which were A.S. I wasn't that stupid, I could tell it was my Uncle's initials. But, what were his initials doing around words in the dictionary?




(of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood.




the killing of one human being by another.





make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).




(of an organism) living as a parasite.


There was so many more words with his letters, but these ones in particular were.. circled almost aggressively. 

Alas, I finally got to the word I was looking for.

Evangeline Herrlich's Diary || A Small SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz