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Me and Mike had been called to Abby's school for a meeting about Abby's progress in class, we greeted Doctor Lillian and she walked us up to the classroom Abby was in with her new friends.

"It’s really extraordinary, the turn she’s taken these past few weeks. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it" Lillian said to us, a smile forming on my face seeing Abby playing with her friends.

"Yeah, we will" Mike said as he squeezed my hand.

We went home shortly after that, we still had a couple hours till we could pick up Abby from school, Mike and I agreed that we would collect Abby and then go see how Vanessa is doing.

"WHat's my beautiful fiance doing?" Mike asked as he came over, holding my waist and kissing the side of my head.

"Just thinking about things" I said and he hummed, allowing me to continue.

"I can't stop thinking about what Afton said, he said 'I always come back', there's something that's making me feel unsettled by that" I said and he nodded, kissing my neck before replying to what I said.

"Well right now, we have other things to be thinking about, like what we're going to have for dinner" He said and I giggled.

"Let Abby decide, I'm fine to have whatever" I said, kissing Mike on the cheek before going to grab my coat and the car keys.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked me as I slipped on my boots.

"Just to the shop, need to get some stuff for dinner" I lied, hoping Mike wouldn't catch on.

"You know I can tell when you're lying, where are you actually going Grace?" Mike asked and I sighed.

"Mike, I want to go back there, my sister is trapped in that place and I just want to do one last thing" I said causing Mike to look at me concerned.

"I'll come with you, then we can go from there to go get Abby" Mike said and i agreed.

We drove to the pizzeria, the memories of what happened a few weeks ago flooding back into my mind, I didn't want to be here but there was one last thing I needed to do.

"So why are we here Grace?" Mike asked as I went to the trunk of the car.

"I want to leave this here for Chica, my sister loved this teddy when she was little, it's one of the only things they could find the day she went missing, I just want to make sure my sister has it again" I said, going up to the door with the stuffed teddy in my hand.

"I know how much you loved Mr Buttons Kate, I know you're here now so I thought I'd bring him back, I love you little sis" I said as I threw the teddy into the pizzeria, leaving as soon as I did that, not wanting to stay a second more.

I walked back over to Mike, I stared at the pizzeria for a bit, I couldn't help but wonder how Kate must be feeling, was she frightened? Was she angry? Or was she happy?

"Come on, let's go get Abby" Mike said and I nodded, getting into the car on our way to pick up Abby.

We arrived at her school again and picked up Abby, we told her our plan of visiting Vanessa and then going home and she seemed fine with our idea.

"It's not that hard, what do you want for dinner? Pizza or spaghetti?" Mike asked Abby after we talked about dinner.

"Both" I laughed and smiled at the girl.

"Abby you can't have both darling" I said and Mike agreed.

"You got to choose, which is it?" Mike asked again, a smile on his face.

"But I want both" Abby argued and I smiled, shaking my head at this silly little debate.

"You can't have both" Mike said one last time.

"Abby, pick one to have for tonight and then we can have the other tomorow for dinner" I said and she thought about it.

"Spaghetti with meatballs" Abby said and I sighed, thankful she made her decision.

"All right, with meatballs" Mike said, also relieved with Abby finally making her mind up.

We told Abby that we were going to go see Vanessa in the hospital, Abby said it was fine and said she wanted to wait in the car which Mike and I allowed, not really wanting her to see Vanessa in that state.

We got shown to Vanessa's room, I walked in just after the doctor, he said that she was stable but in a coma and may not wake up for a while.

"Hi Vanessa, it's Grace, me and Mike came to see you" I said softly, taking hold of her hand.

Mike and I stayed quiet for a bit, not really sure what to say to each other or to Vanessa.

"Vanessa, I don’t know if… you can hear any of this, but, um… I’m having a hard time just processing everything that happened. But you were there for me, Grace and Abby when it mattered the most. And I don’t think that either of us would be here today if it weren’t for you, so… So get better. And we’ll be here when you wake up" Mike said to her just before we left her room.

"Did you guys tell her I said hi?" Abby asked once we got back into the car.

"We did Abs" I said, giving her a smile, getting one back.

"All right, let's get out of here" Mike said, driving us back home.

We finally arrived home, Abby went to her room and I was with Mike in the kitchen helping him cook dinner.

"So I was thinking about the wedding" Mike said as he cooked the meatballs.

"Go on" I said, looking over from the sink after washing up the dishes.

"We could have it in the summer at the place we had our first date?" Mike suggested and I smiled.

"At the beach in California?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, only if you want to though" Mike replied, quickly kissing my cheek.

"We can talk about it later Mike, dinner is ready and I'm starving" I said, Mike went to go get Abby while I dished out dinner for us all.

We all sat down at the table, eating our dinner although something didn't feel right, Abby wasn't her normal self.

"You okay?" Mike asked his sister as if he read my mind about something being off with Abby.

"I was just thinking about my friends" Abby said, not looking up from her dinner.

"They're all alone, no one takes care of them anymore.. Can we visit them sometime?" I looked at Abby then at Mike to see what his reaction was to that.

"Um… You know what? You never know what can happen"


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𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora