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We got to the old pizzeria and went inside, Mike was a bit tired so we both looked over the cameras for maybe an hour or two before he decided to sleep, I stayed up for a bit longer before deciding to try and get some sleep myself.

"Kate!" I screamed as I tried to chase after her but failed.

I turned around, realising the boy from my previous dream was behind me again, I made eye contact with him and he made eye contact with me.

"Wait, please, I'm not going to hurt you" I said softly and the boy just stared at me.

"I wanna know what you saw, please, I'm begging you" I pleaded and he still did nothing and said nothing.

"Help me, help me find out who took my sister, who took Kate" I begged and then, just like last time, the boy ran off so I chased after him.

"Please! Please come back!" I shouted as we ran.

We kept running for a while but just as I caught up to the boys, another boy came out of nowhere and cut my leg, I soon felt a searing pain through my leg and almost screamed out in pain.

"Grace!" I sit up and saw that all the cameras and devices were acting funny so I ran over to the breaker, noticing something in the corner of my eye before switching it off and then back on.

"What the hell happened!" I asked and mike shook his head before his eyes widened.

"How'd you end up with that cut on your leg?" Mike asked and I looked down, only now noticing the pain.

Just as I was about to speak, I heard a buzzer go off, so I limped over to the cameras to see who was buzzing the buzzer and that's when I saw a cop car and a cop standing outside.

"Mike, there's a cop outside" I said and Mike got up, he helped me towards the entrance and when the cop saw us coming, she smiled.

"About time. Starting to think maybe you both fell asleep on the job" the cop said and I stood there awkwardly, so did Mike.

"Um... Can we, uh, help you, Officer?" Mike asked and I nodded.

"Please, my name's Vanessa, and you both must be?" Vanessa asked and I looked at Mike who just seemed too embarrassed and tired to say anything.

"The new security guards?" Vanessa asked and I nodded my head, offering her a smile.

"You're both bleeding, by the way, looks nasty" she said and I looked at Mike's hand while both him and Vanessa looked at my leg.

"Come on. I know where they keep the first aid kit" Mike and I looked at each other confused but followed after Vanessa anyway.

Vanessa found the first aid kit and bought it over to Mike and I before helping me with my bandages for my leg, it was a little hard to do it by myself but I was happy to have Vanessa help me.

"Love what you've done with the place. Why Nebraska?" Vanessa asked after finishing up with my bandages, looking at the poster Mike put up.

"Oh, you need a hand?" Vanessa asked and Mike shook his head.

"I'm fine" he said but Vanessa helped him anyway.

"Here, I'm a certified EMT so if your heart ever goes out, I'm the one you want to call" Vanessa said and I slightly smiled, noting that down in my head in case we ever needed her help again.

"You seem to really know your way around the place" Mike noticed and I agree, she seems to know this place a bit too well and it just didn't settle right with me for some reason.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐓Where stories live. Discover now