Chapter 1:Unexpected guest with a side of Apologies

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Tetsuya p.o.v~
"I think that's everyone," Akashi said turning to Momoi.

"No your missing two other guest," ??? said and I turn around to see my best friend and my twin sister looking at me and I slowly walk to her before stopping in front her.

"I know that I was being a coward..... but I instantly cut her off by hugging her in tight hug.

"Happy Birthday Onichan," She said as I hug her.

"Happy Birthay Imouto," I said also as we parted I saw my friend.

"Happy Birthday Tes," Shigehiro said smiling holding a cooler.

"Thank Tsuki you're really the best ," I said turning to the pink hair girl before hugging her.

"Four on four?" Momoi asked looking at everyone  after I let go which we agree to. She took out something from her bag before showing us.

"They all have a letter on it for  two teams. Best out of three you guys will redraw," She said smile but I could not miss that her eyes were avoiding me. 'Cute' I thought as I smile.

~timeskip brought by kuroko drive~
Momoi's p.o.v~
As they all play I could help smiling as I took pictures. They were having fun and it was good to watching, them playing the fool as old time sake although we had a little stranger.

"You not going to join us?" My former captain asked.

"Uum no it'll be uneven," I said.

"I can sit this one out,"Shigehiro said and I look at my old team mates as if they were certain and they nod so I give kuroko's friend the camera as I join them.

~another time skip brought by Shigehiro photos~

3rd p.o.v~

"That was good," Kuroko said as he sip on his water.

"Best gift ever," I said before turning Momoi who was talking to my twin. Guess they were catching up.

"'I know just like old times,"Aomine said smiling.

"Yeah the only thing different is that the captain and our lil empress did not made up yet," Kise said which made the the others went quiet but he had a point I was noticing how Tsu barely talk to him like she was avoiding him.

"You guys fight?" I asked looking to the two. Normally when Tsu get in noise with anyone she normally tell while ranting about it so for them to fight and make up yet it very serious.

"I guess you could say that," My twin said looking down at the ground.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at her confuse by her words.

"So you didn't told him?" Atsushi asked looking at Tsu but she continue to look at the floor which was now sending of alarms in my head.

"Hi why don't we go and wait by the car," Modorima said dragging Aomine and the rest before looking away.

3rd person p.o.v ~
After everyone left the twin stood facing each other until Tatsuki start back looking down at the ground.

"Tsu," Tetsuya ask trying to be calm but as his twin stare at the ground more he could not help but worry.

"That night after we won against Shigehiro I start having mini attacks," She said looking down at the floor but when her brother did not respond he look up to see her brother waiting on her look up and she end staring into his eyes.

"Is there anything else?" He asked looking into her eyes daring her to hide anything else or lie to him.

"After you left the team Akashi and I got into a quarrel where I relapse in front of him," She said looking back down to the ground but when her brother said nothing after a while she look up to see him walking to the rest.

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