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"choi yeonjun, get away from me!"

"make me!"

the couple ran around the apartment unit with the male chasing his lover around. the couple had huge smiles on their faces as they indulged in this playful chase.

yeonjun finally caught y/n, wrapping his arms around her in a gentle embrace. "caught you," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

y/n feigned a dramatic sigh. "fine, you win this round."

but yeonjun wasn't content with mere victory; he wanted to savor the moment a bit longer. he nuzzled against her cheek, his playful demeanor softening into a tender affection. "you know, even if you tried to escape, i'd find you anywhere, right? because you're my favorite person."

his words lingered in the air, carrying a warmth that surpassed the playful banter that they just hadd. y/n's heart fluttered at his sincerity, the love between them evident in the gentleness of his touch and the affectionate gleam in his eyes.

in response, y/n turned within his embrace, her eyes meeting his. "and you're my favorite person too," she shyly admitted with a soft smile.

as they stood wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside their little haven seemed to fade away. the couple eventually settled onto the couch, limbs entwined and talked about random things.

as the night progressed, they found solace in the simple act of being together. the forgotten television played softly in the background, casting a gentle glow on the room. yeonjun traced circles on the cupid's hand.

"oh and i hate cucumbers. i tasted it once but it was so bad." the cupid grimaced as she recalled a past mission where she tried out the disgusting fruit or vegetable of a food to feed her curiosity.

yeonjun listened. however his gaze lingered more on her lips that talked endlessly. his gaze intensified, and a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. without warning, he closed the remaining distance between them, capturing his girlfriend's lips in a sweet and unexpected kiss.

time seemed to freeze for a brief moment, and y/n's eyes widened in surprise. it also almost left the girl momentarily breathless.

yeonjun pulled away, a sheepish yet satisfied grin on his face. "sorry, couldn't resist."

y/n, still processing the unexpected turn of events, could only manage a playful swat on his arm. "you can't just kiss me without telling me!"

"well, i just did. what you gonna do about it huh?" he smirked, leaning in to pepper more kisses all over the cupid's face. his hands cupped her face and he made sure her face was never kiss-less. y/n giggled, shaking in his grip. however, amidst their affectionate moment, something that never endingly pricked her heart caused the cupid to stop. she paused, feeling her heart beat faster as she finally realized it was a call from the cupid realm. yeonjun stared at her with a puzzled look.

"what's wrong?"

"i'm sorry but i just remembered i needed to go somewhere."


the grandeur of the council chamber, adorned with celestial symbols and ethereal light, created an ambiance that demanded reverence. y/n stood before the council with trepidation in her eyes. the higher ups sat in a line across her. they regarded her with a gaze full of warmth yet sternness which made the cupid shudder.

"y/n." the head council member spoke, their voice resonating like the gentle breeze of cosmic winds. "you have walked among humans for a ton of your missions yet this mission surprised us all with the outcome. we have observed your actions, and now it is time for a discussion."

the cupid's heart fluttered with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. "what do you wish to discuss?"

the council exchanged knowing glances before the head member continued, "your connection with the human, choi yeonjun, has not gone unnoticed."

when their words left the lips of the higher ranked cupid, something within y/n stopped. she nervously licked her lips and her eyes fluttered to her side before she looked back to the group.

 "love, in its purest form, is not a sin. however, you are a cupid, and your role is to bring fated humans together, not be a part of it."

"you do know that every human is fated to be with someone, don't you? and the role of a cupid is to bring them together."

the weight of their words hung in the air, and y/n's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. "i understand my purpose, but the bond we share is..." words struggled to form in her mind as she tried to find a sentence to say, to hope that they can understand that what she's feeling is not short term, to hope they would have sympathy for the cupid to let her enjoy this bit of happiness yet she couldn't get anything out.

"we are aware of the unique circumstances," another council member interjected. "in rare instances, the destinies of cupids and humans do become entwined. the heart knows no boundaries, and love, even among us cupids, can be a powerful force."

y/n felt a spark of hope kindling within her. "what does this mean for me then?"

the council smiled, "you have a chance, my dear. the cosmic forces do allow cupids to experience love with humans. however, it is a rare case and we have never seen many cupids return to the human realm to love. you may return to the human world and continue this unique bond with the human."

a wide beam stretched itself on the cupid's face as she felt her breath hitched. but, cat got her tongue once another member inserted.

"however, do remember that fate can never be changed. we can play with it and throw obstacles but in the end, the outcome will remain the same."

"be aware that if you are both not fated, his memories of you will fade with time, my dear."

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