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it's february. well, a week into february. the power of love was growing stronger as the day y/n looked forward to arrived. she could feel the dance of the hearts around her stronger than ever. her fingertips felt light as she looked down from the rooftop. it was night yet she knew the city was awake. she could feel people enjoying love together that night when the clock struck 12, be it sexually or not.

another few weeks went by and the more y/n's heart fluttered in the forbidden way. she was conflicted for sure. every time yeonjun offered his acts of services with a sweet smile, she hated the way her stomach churned. every time yeonjun offered his flirtatious words of affirmation, she hated how her tongue would twist and she barely can voice out anything. she hated it and she didn't know what to do. 

she didn't want to fall for the forbidden temptation.

therefore when the clock struck 12, the cupid decided she would use valentine's day as an advantage to find someone for him. even if it required the use of a bow.


"so it's a date."

"no, it's not."

"it sounds like a date to me." yeonjun smirked as he entered the bubbling place full of people. "you and me together on valentine's day... it's a date." the boy grinned as he eyed y/n with the 2 tickets in hand. the atmosphere of the amusement park was bubbling with excitement and joy. people busily engaged themselves with various activities from riding roller coasters to playing at carnival booths.

"we're not dating to call it a date," y/n murmured, barely audible. yeonjun unfortunately heard it wrong, mistaking her statement as "we're not calling it a date."

"look, it's valentine's day, and we're at an amusement park together. if that's not a date, i don't know what is," yeonjun declared, his grin widening.

y/n sighed, shaking her head. "yeonjun, i'm here to make sure you have a good time, not for a date."

"well, let's agree to disagree," he replied, looping his arm through hers as they walked further into the park.

the couple explored various attractions, from the dizzying heights of the Ferris wheel to the thrilling twists and turns of roller coasters. despite y/n's initial protests, she found herself caught up in the infectious energy of the park. the vibrant lights, the joyful screams of riders, and the whimsical music created a magical atmosphere.

before y/n knew it, she realized she was enjoying it. a little too much, in fact. they had took a potty break finally after spending hours on rides. y/n lingered in the toilet whilst staring at herself. her hair was tousled with how her hair got thrashed on the ride. tears stained her cheeks as she found herself laughing till her cheeks hurt whilst they strolled around. her mind then wandered to the thought of yeonjun. did he enjoy himself too? her cheeks were flushed which she noticed once she looked at herself in the mirror. biting her lips, she stepped out of the restroom.

late evening fell yet the place still operated. her eyes wandered around till she finally found the dazzling man, among the crowd, walking towards her with 2 cotton candies in hand. his hair was slightly dishevelled from the breeze. she noted his eyes crinkling and smile growing wider as he came closer.

"y/n! i got us cotton candy!" the boy exclaimed like a child, jogging towards his girl.  "this will give us a bit more sugar as we have fun on our date!"

"it's not a date," the cupid mumbled with a playful eyeroll. she took the cotton candy and ate it, feeling the cotton melt on her tongue. yeonjun mimicked her actions. not listening to her, he grabbed her hand and interlocked them. y/n didn't mind, feeling herself blush from his actions.

as they passed a carnival game, yeonjun's eyes sparkled with mischief. "how about we try our luck? if i win, it's a date. if you win, well, you'll probably deny it again."

y/n raised an eyebrow. "you're on."

the game involved tossing rings onto bottles, and despite y/n's best efforts, yeonjun proved surprisingly adept at it. with a triumphant grin, he handed her a fluffy teddy bear.

"looks like it's officially a date," he teased.

y/n couldn't suppress a laugh. "whatever."yeonjun excitingly jumped on his spot, "don't you think he's cute? we should name him. do you have any name ideas?"

the cupid scoffed, folding her arms with a smile. "you're an idiot for wasting money on a bear."

he gasped dramatically, covering the bear's ears. "how can you objectify him like that? we didn't waste money on bobo."

"bobo?" y/n repeated, smile wider. did he just name the bear before deciding it with her?

"yes. bobo." the latter held up the bear to the girl, fully invested in this discussion. "look at this baby! how can you say no to him?!"

y/n stifled a chuckle. "can we rename him to poopoo?"

"that's so rude, y/n!"

"whatever." the cupid laughed. yeonjun puffed his cheeks as he walked with her to their last destination of their night. the ferris wheel.

"whatever it is, i won fair and square and we are naming him bobo. he's not shit to be called poopoo."

the couple slowly paused in their tracks as the waited for the people before them to enter their carts. once their turn came, yeonjun rushed to lend a hand to y/n, making sure she doesn't trip as she enters. this mere action of his caused butterflies flutter around within her. y/n briefly coughed and settled opposite her friend.

yeonjun observed her. "you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

"yeah i am."

"you know," he began, his gaze unwavering, "i think i'm falling for you, y/n."

his words hung in the air as y/n registered his confession. there was a look of anticipation in yeonjun's face and he looked for answers as he leaned closer. the cupid hated to admit it but her heart harshly thrashed inside and blush painted itself on her cheeks. she had totally lost focus on her mission to find someone and enjoyed herself. she instantly nibbled on her lips to think about his confession. it wouldn't hurt to reciprocate it right?

with a soft smile, she looked into his eyes. "maybe, just maybe, it is a date."

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