y/n couldn't contain her laughter as she bursted out loud, her amusement echoing throughout the archery range. "you sure about that feeling?" she teased, nudging him.

yeonjun, slightly embarrassed but maintaining his playful demeanor, shot her a mock glare. "it's just my second try would be better. it's just beginner's luck."

"smooth, yeonjun," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes. "maybe archery isn't your hidden talent."

he scowled playfully, but a spark of curiosity lit his eyes. "beginner's luck," he insisted, adjusting his grip on the bow. "watch closely now."

his girlfriend leaned against the wooden railing, a bemused smile on her lips. "i'm all eyes."

yeonjun's second attempt mirrored the first, resulting in yet another arrow landing far off the mark. he groaned in mock frustration, throwing his lover a sheepish look. "okay, maybe there's something wrong with the bow or arrow."

y/n chuckled, retrieving an arrow of her own. "allow me to demonstrate." with effortless grace, she notched the arrow, drew back the bowstring, and released. the arrow sailed through the air, hitting dead center in the bullseye.

yeonjun's jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief. "no way," he muttered, his eyes widening.

"yes way!"

"it's just beginner's luck. you're lucky and i'm not." yeonjun whined. y/n laughed and shifted to move behind him. "come on, i'll help you." she adjusted his stance slightly and guided him. the proximity made her back-hug him naturally and yeonjun couldn't help but to smile lazily to her. y/n looked back up at him, "what? stop staring." she mumbled shyly, feeling herself blush.

"nothing. you're just so cute." deciding to seize the moment, yeonjun turned swiftly to plant a quick peck on her lips.

"this is for you, y/n," he whispered with a mischievous smile.

as he aimed the bow confidently, the result was far from what he expected. the arrow went astray, completely missing the target. yeonjun's confident facade crumbled, replaced by a whine of frustration.

"that was unexpected," y/n blinked, moving to stand beside him.

yeonjun pouted, admitting defeat. "i thought i had it figured out."

"seems like you did not." y/n teased. she took a few more arrows and released them. the feeling of shooting arrows felt nostalgic to her. yeonjun awed and watched her shoot more, feeling adoration build up within him.


as they strolled hand in hand, yeonjun couldn't resist the temptation to playfully swing their linked arms. "you're quite the archer, y/n," he commented with a grin. "i never knew you had such skills."

the cupid chuckled, her cheeks tinted with a hint of blush. "well, there's a lot you don't know about me."

"maybe you're full of surprises,"

y/n hummed. the streets were dimly lit by lampposts, creating a cozy ambiance that contrasted the vibrancy of the park. a few people walked, busy burying their faces in their phone screens. yeonjun's grin persisted as he observed his girlfriend.

"is there anything else you're hiding up your sleeve?" he teased, his tone light.

"maybe i am, maybe i'm not. it's more fun when things are mysterious, don't you think?"

"i'm starting to think i know nothing about you," yeonjun feigned exaggeration, pouting. "that's the beauty of it," the cupid responded, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. "life is full of surprises, and sometimes, people are too."

their footsteps echoed against the quiet streets as they continued their leisurely walk. the occasional rustle of leaves and distant sounds of the city provided a serene soundtrack to their conversation.

"you know," yeonjun began, breaking the silence, "i never thought a simple walk could be this enjoyable."

"sometimes, it's the simple things that make the best memories," y/n replied, a soft smile gracing her lips.

as they approached a small park nestled between buildings, yeonjun suggested they take a detour. the park, adorned with benches and a quaint fountain, offered a peaceful retreat from the urban hustle. they found an empty bench and settled in. they huddled together. yeonjun's hand rested on y/n's thigh, softly caressing it. y/n's heart skipped a beat.

yeonjun let out a contented sigh. "i never really appreciated moments like these until now."

"there's a lot you haven't appreciated yet," y/n said, her gaze fixed on the stars twinkling overhead.

their conversation drifted from one topic to another, seamlessly flowing between laughter, shared stories, and occasional moments of comfortable silence. unbeknownst to yeonjun, every interaction was subtly etching itself into the fabric of y/n's existence, creating memories she knew she would carry with her, even if her celestial nature dictated otherwise.

the night deepened, and they found themselves on the move again. the streets, now nearly deserted, held a certain charm under the soft glow of streetlights. they walked side by side, their fingers intertwined, each step drawing them closer.

as they meandered through the quiet streets, yeonjun couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictability of the night. "you said life is full of surprises. do you think we'll have more surprises along the way?"

his girlfriend glanced at him, her eyes reflecting the glimmer of streetlights. "life is like an unwritten story. you never know what the next chapter holds."

yeonjun tightened his grip on her hand. "i'm looking forward to discovering it with you."

to discover it with me?

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