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Hello lovely readers of mine, I hope you are  all doing good and might have enjoyed your New year eve a lot!!!!!!

Tell me about it if you want.

Okay so lets dive into story again.

After kissing her lips and biting them a bit he pulled away and took her in the dinning room to have their late lunch as everyone was busy in preparation for the next day pooja.

"You go sit on the table, and I will come after heating our food." shivi told him.

To which he just nodded his head and sat on the dinning table while looking at her who got busy while heating the curry and chapati for him and started prepared some salad for the side as he loves having salad along with his meals . After cutting and Putting everything in the plate and sprinkling a bit of lemon juice on it along with black salt, she mixed it everything well(I started carving salad myself while writing this😂😂, let me know in the comments who also loves salad)

After preparing a plate for him she bought it to him and then again came after preparing her plate too. They both started eating their lunch while Yash told her about all the work he still has to do and who was his days going without her and he agained warned her to not ignore him in the near future or she will not like the consequences very much.

Shivi gulped while hearing his warning/ threat and immediately nodded her head in positive. While both were having dinner without even knowing that someone is sitting right behind them in the living room fuming in anger.

Aditi who was sitting in the living room while waiting for the Yash as she wanted to apologize for her behaviour in the morning saw him coming out of his room . She got happy that now she can apologize and can try to be friends with him but when she saw shivi coming behind him holding his hand, she didn't liked it a bit ànd was jealous seeing who he is treating her so calmly and sweetly.

After having lunch Shivi took their plates in the kitchen to wash and then she came out thinking Yash might have left for his work but she found him still sitting there doing something in his phone.

When Yash noticed Shivi he immediately stood up and went towards her and pulled her towards himself, she immediately started struggling while saying," Wh..... what are you doing!! Someone while come Yashji.." Yash immediately kept his lips over her to silent her and started sucking her upper lip and then lower one. He started biting her lips softly and slowly. 

Shivi froze in her place as she was terrified of someone walking on them. When yash noticed her frozen state he pulled her in a corner from where no one came immediately notice them , but they came more into Aditi's  views.

Aditi who was already angry on Shivi got furious when she saw them kissing each other. She wanted to snatch Yash from her at any cost. She wanted him for herself as she likes him alot even thou he treated her harshly. 

Shivi who was about to close her eyes and getting lost in the his passionate kiss suddenly noticed Aditi's furious glare and she turned red due to embarrassment and fear . She tried to push Yash away from herself but he tightened his hold on her and kept kissing her. He bit her lower lip and due to shock she immediately opened her mouth and he pushed his tongue inside her mouth exploring every corner of her mouth. 

Shivi whose eyes were on Aditi they widened more looking how angry she was looking She thought that she will tell about this to every elder in the house and them they will not scold her which brought tears in her eyes . She thought she is still angry how yash treated her in the morning.  So she struggled more to free herself but Yash being Yash didn't let her move away instead pulled her more closure. 

She immediately bite his tongue hard which brought coppery taste in her mouth immediately letting her know that her bite is harsh and blood is coming from his tongue. 

Yash immediately pulled back glaring at her," Kya dimaag khrab hogya he huh!!" ( Have you lost or mind huh) said Yash harshly. 

" Why did you bite my tongue huh??" He harshly asked her and glared her which brought more tears in her eyes and she immediately lowered her eyes and and said slowly," Sh....... she is ... sitting!!!." Yash didn't understand what she was saying as she said it so quitely .

Yash again harshly said her," Now what happens tell me huh?? I have been tolerating your tantrums from the last whole week. Shivi don't you dare to taste my patience!!!" She immediately nodded her head in negative and tried to say again a bit loudly," Sh..... She s... saw us!!".

Yash who was already furious glare her and said," who??? There is no one" and he turned towards the living to make his point clear but got shocked seeing Aditi.

Yash who was already furious his anger increased tenfolds seeing her there his eyes turned red and green part of his eyes turned black. His whole face was flushed due to anger.

Aditi who saw him looking at her thought he is embarrassed being caught and thought," Awww how cute he looks while being embarrassed!!! I wanna pinch his cheeks." but when she noticed shivi touching his shirt from back she got furious and thought that she will not let them togather for more as Yash is only hers to share such moments.

Yash when felt a pull in his shirt turned towards her and pulled her in hug and wiped her tears.

"Shhhh!!! Baby stop crying we were not doing anything wrong. Why you alway starts crying huh. I'm here naa." he started to console her sweetly.
Shivi immediately hugged him tightly hiding herself from Aditi's view crying and said," Sh..... She wi... will te.... tell eve..... everyone". and hiccuped.

Yash started rubbing her back and pulled her closer and said," Baby NO is going to say anything don't worry. "

"Sh.... She is an....angry an... glaring us ." shivi told him and tightened ger hold on him.

OHhhhh what's gonna happen next???
whats do you think???


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