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After that day everything was back to normal in shivi's life.

Shivi and Palak started going to college with Yash as he used to drop both of them while going to office.

Today was the same too , He dropped both of them in their college and left from there. Palak and Shivi both enter college togather and part their ways to go to different departments as Shivi took designing and palak choose computer science.

Shivi reached in her 1st class for the day and took seat beside her classmate/ friend Nandini. Nandini was a cute and extrovert girl, She was the one who approached Shivi to be friends with her and now they both stick togather as due to opposite nature they balance each other every well.

"Hey Shivi"said Nandini and started talking with her about her vacation as she went out of town for few days to meet her grandma as she was sick .

Shivi asked her about her grandma and how was she now alongside she told her about the classes with she missed and told her that she will share her notes with her so, she doesn't needs to very about anything. 

After that there professor entered the class and everyone settled on their respected seat started taking notes.

After taking their classes they both reached to the canteen to have lunch where Nandini started scanning the whole canteen as she was searching for someone.
Shivi went to the table to seat down as her mother packed lunch for her on Yash's since he doesn't want her to eat junk food and get kick. After taking her lunch which veg burger and fries along with cold coffee Nandini sat with her to have her lunch but her eyes were still looking for someone. 

After few mins Shivi asked her to have her lunch and they started talking and enjoying their lunch but suddenly they heard some noises coming out of the canteen . They both looked at each other and then run outside along with others to see what is happening there.

Outside two seniors were fighting against each other due to some reason . They were punching and kicking each other. But when Nandini saw the one who is punching the other senior her eyes become big as soccer as she was looking for him only during whole lunch. 

That guy was none another then Kabir,he was  the 3rd years student of computer science.  He was along the most handsome guys in the college along with that he always top in his subject due to which everyone knows him every well. He was very popular among the female popular due to being the captain of football team and along with that he play many sports .

Nandini too like every other girl in the college was her fangirl but she liked him due to his helping nature and good character.  Even thou he is senior but he helps the junior students and protect them from bullies or from ragging. 

Few weeks ago when Nandini came to the college every 1st day some seniors started bully her and asked her to do dance and when she refused they started to threatened her by spoiling her image in the whole college due to which she started crying , at the same time Kabir came their and helped her.

Due to commotion professors too came there and pulled them apart and asked Kabir and Prasant to go to the dean's office and after asked other students to leave for there respected classes. 

Shivi who saw such thing for the very 1st time in her got scared and started crying due to Nandini came back from her dream land as started to calm her down but she was not able too . Whenever such things happens Yash always protects so it was a rare sight for her to see. She run from there to a empty class and started calling Yash .

Yash who was busy in the meeting left his phone in his cabin due to which he was not able to respond it .

Nandini who was running after her came to the same class room and sat beside her and hugged her after which Shivi  started calm down but she didn't loosen her hold from her and told her to call Palak. 

Nandini called palak and told her about the situation ,She become worried for her and came running to her and when she saw the condition of Shivi , she immediately hugged her tightly and started consoling her and told her that she is there. after which she calmed down and asked her to take her home .

Nandini was shocked seeing her like this and asked Palak about her this condition. 

Palak said that She never saw such fights before if such situation came yash was always there to help her and protect her . She doesn't like violence .

Due to which , whenever Yash shouts on her she starts crying too as this scares her alot. After talking for few minutes Palak took shivi home and thanked Nandini for taking care of her.

When they both reached home shivi immediately hugged sweta who was sitting in the living home and was watching on serial. She immediately got alerted after seeing her this condition and hugged her tightly and started rubbing her back and asked her in the loving voice," Bacha what happened? Did anybody said anything to you ?."

When Shivi didn't said anything ,she looked towards Palak and asked her with his eyes due to which Palak narrate the whole thing to her and sweta understood why she was behaving like this.

Only Sweta ,Yash and Yash's father know about her this condition as poor soul suffered alot few  years back , which tainted her soul and destroyed everything in her life.

And when she needed someone in her life that time Yash was always there with her. He helped her to come out of her trauma and grow into the person she is today .


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